Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Where I Must Go

This is a continuation of the previous post, "Where I Have Come."

Most recently, I have discovered at least two requirements for awakening to truth. Firstly, concerning truth, there is no such thing as multiple truths.  There can only be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth.  Knowing what truth is requires at least the following two understandings:

- We are 'spirits' incarnate
- We have been lied to about everything

If the former is not understand, the latter is exponentially more difficult to conceive. I liken it to this:
Those practicing behaviors tend to see those behaviors in others. At times, to a fault. For instance, the accuser of infidelity is often the one guilty of the act. By this reasoning, those who tell and seek truth are often unable to fathom one who would lie, thus, aligning with institutions, be they governments, religions, philosophies... none of which, by the way, every really focus on understanding the very real truth of who we are. Spirits incarnate.

In place of truth, we are fed any number of a multiple of truths, which in essence, must all be lies. The very existence of truth does not require one's belief in it.  On the contrary, every single institution requires our collective belief in those said structures in order for them to continue to exist. The lies must be believed in order to exist. The truth stands apart from the lies, and regardless of where one's beliefs reside, the truth is found within us all as well.  For within this body, this vehicle, is housed a spirit. This spirit is true life, as I've come to understand it, and knows the truth of which I speak.

We are spirits incarnate. We are drivers of the vehicle (body/mirror). The vehicle can be driven by others, if allowed. Allowance can be granted through ignorance or through knowing consent. Digestible enough, right?

I realize that by approaching the truth, one must suspend disbelief in the truth, and belief in the multitude of truths.  Truth is singular.  Where multiple truths exist, all must be considered lies.

So what is the Truth? In truth, we are spirits. In truth, it is our sole/soul purpose to allow the creator to know itself through our collective, but individual and subjective experiences.  This is the only truth. We are spirit (life) whose sole/soul purpose is to allow the Creator to know itself as One Self through our individual and subjective experiences as they manifest in an undivided and unified expression, also known as Reality.

I have come to believe that this particular reality has been altered. And this is where Rose's information comes into the picture.  Elsewhere on this blog, I've posted some interesting comments from Rose and links to her videos.  It is my objective to continue to present new information as it surfaces, however, this series of posts will not go into great detail on that.

My intent is to continue to provide my understanding of Truth as a means to awaken others to what I have come to know as the Truth and, subsequently, our sole/soul purpose, which is to continue to collectively manifest expressions so that the Creator can further know itself as One Self.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Where I Have Come

The purpose of this blog is to formally address my friends, family and readers in regards to where it is I have come as a result of the fascinating 'revelations' I and others have found through YellowRoseforTexas YouTube channel.

I found "The Lie NASA Told: Imminent Demise of the NWO" video back in May of this year and have found the Rabbit Hole to be anything but shallow.  I must admit, I do not fully understand all of the details concerning the 'pour', the 'leap' or the Law of One, but I can say that as a result of finding the information Yellow Rose (Rose) brings to the fold, my ENTIRE perspective has shifted. Tremendously.

At this time, I find it prudent to publicly affirm that since Rose's information is so fantastic, in that it deals with a topic not many are familiar with (Occult/Esoteric), a certain 'leap of faith' is required on my part to embrace what she provides as factual. The subsequent step is assimilating those 'facts' into my existing belief structure.  The entire process can be considered part of my 'awakening.' In fact, I do feel that it may very well be one of the last milestones prior to becoming fully awakened.

An aside to the forthcoming comments regarding where I come to find myself currently:

My spiritual progression could not have been possible these past crucial years without my eternally patient partner.  Jewfo, you've been the only light I've allowed in during this 'dark night of my soul.' We have each other, our home, our children and our Bunny Bear as a testament to the wonders, majesty and the power that is Love.

And where would I be without my family?!? I cannot help but feel that a considerable debt is owed to those brave souls who chose to journey with me as part of my family.  In my fear and confusion, I've managed to kick up an unholy amount of dust in what should be sacred space.  I've defiled relationships in ignorance and must confess, my distance and silence have often been the best gifts I could give them over the last decade or so.  Any attempt to rediscover, rekindle or otherwise mend these relationships usually ends in a belligerent display of anger on my part.  I claim full responsibility for allowing weeds into our garden.

Onward we go:

The 'veil' began to lift for me through my experimentation with psychedelic substances.  Anyone who has experimented with magic mushrooms, LSD or any other hallucinogen can testify to the profoundness of experience during those altered states.  I was no different, however, today the ingesting of a substance has been replaced with the consumption of content and/or information.

It was a gradual progression, but I knew around 27 (I'm now 34) that my physical or bodily patterns needed to change in order for real progress to begin.  Spiritual progress.

I enlisted in Alcoholics Anonymous and got sober for two and half years and met the mother of my children.  A beautiful love story I can assure you, but suffice it to say that my spiritual growth the past five years has often come, unintentionally, at her expense one way or another.  My preference would have been to go it alone, if only to spare her the sadness at times, but I have come to understand that Dani has been THE MOST CRITICAL aspect of my awakening to truth.  Without her, I know I would have been lost to the void.

I left AA for numerous reasons, but mostly because of the resonance factor.  My drinking was an effect or symptom of a greater cause or disease, and it wasn't alcoholism. I am reminded of Neo's encounter with Morpheus where he is shown what the Matrix is.  In my reality, I have come to discover that my spirit had become ill. And nowhere, AA included, was addressing the malady from which I, and dare I say most ALL of us suffer.  The malady is simple.  It is lack of truth, and the brilliance of our spirit is drastically hindered by the lack thereof.

The 'veil' continued to lift through my exposure and involvement with the Zeitgeist Movement.  If you are not familiar, there are three videos on Netflix, a website, and numerous 'chapters' throughout the planet.  To sum this portion up, the films by Peter Joseph were able to disclose certain elements of the truth of our realm (Earth) in an easily digestible format, at least for me.  Others would suggest that the Zeitgeist Movement is nothing more than a cult of conspiracy theorists.  My focus has since moved away from this particular movement for several reasons, but again, the resonance factor was a critical component when deciding to move away from this train of thought.  I still found it lacking a much more explicit detail of why and how 'the powers that be' (PTB) were so overtly and almost vengefully seeking control of everything on our planet, through a network of banking, military, and government factions all utilizing Covet Means as the locomotive force behind their acquisition (rather, usurpation) of all seats of power in every institution, religion, corporation, and government.

I kept searching and along the way came into contact with rumors of Reptilians, Greys, and other negative entities (aliens) who were said to be ruling our planet through various means, not limited to but including advanced technology, a very concise understanding of the Occult and Esoteric, and even possession of human bodies (vehicles), specifically those in seats of power.  The blessing of an open mind allowed me to continue searching for more information along these lines, ultimately leading me to Rose and her YouTube channel.

The account above is a rather brief detail of some of the highlights of my awakening.  Little did I know what lay in store for me as 2013 came to an end and 2014 began.  The next entry will discuss my exposure to Rose's information, the subsequent shift in my consciousness, and a detailed narrative of MY understanding of the information as it resonates within me.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Chronicles of Rose: Part Seven

Hello again all!  Sorry for the hiatus.  My focus has been elsewhere. Mostly with family.  But I'm back with another piece from Rose.  I know I keep putting of the Father of the Branch of Mankind, but I truly do not have enough information for a substantial post just yet.  Hopefully soon...

Let us get right to it.

For those that may have missed it, Rose had posted a series of Tweets back in February of 2014.  I've compiled them all for your consumption.

Yellow Rose for Texas series of Tweets to the Pope, David Cameron, and Benjamin Netanyahu [chronologically sequenced, all made on February 15th, 2014]:

"With permission I pass you this message from “The ONE”. You could have told the world the truth about the Company Store System you set up. But you did not. You could have told the truth about SET “An” whom you worship. But you did not. You could have told the people they have been locked in a Construct, and Elizabeth “Lilith” daughter of SET, stole the Ankh system key. You could have told them you lied about “Jesus” and that this was the Coven name of Charles. You could have told them his other coven names by promotion were “Horus” and then “Lucifer”. You could have told them about the EL greys who are SET’s, but you did not. You could have told them that Elizabeth “Lilith” is over the Coven Freemason, as the PAPAL is over the Illuminati Coven; and that ISRAEL was under that coven. You could have told them that the coven owns the DoD, which owns all the space agencies. You could have told them that the Vector Sigil was the symbol of the Sith. And you could have told them it is Lilith Elizabeth, queen of the Moloch, who is in exile. That you have aided to slaughter our world with her corporation U.N., because you have lied about Jesus and allowed the other branches to Seal by fraud the Children of Man, and because you helped slaughter our world by use of Covet Means. The EL and SET (An) now owe The ONE, God, and Father of the Branch of Mankind an Esoteric Debt he can never repay. The ONE says, take a close look at your NASA owned Telescopes, at the Sun. You have failed to reign in your dogs of War, Rothschild, Elizabeth, and the Gad/Sachs. You continue to allow the new Pharaoh Li who is possessed by RA, to play this skit. You have failed to stop Magog Bush, who is yours as well. Look at the Sith, as they panic at the Sun. The Father of Mankind has returned, and he brings the Forces of Man, and more…Many of the candlesticks have been knocked down, but your fate is more severe, for you LIED about Jesus and the god you serve, which is SET An. Look at the Stereo soho images of the 11th [February] and understand. You either stand up and tell these people the truth, or reep your fate. You have but a matter of Days Left. All good on Earth will make the Leap forward. And you, who are the murderous pedophile Covens of Azazel, will get the Pit…Look at your Vatican Telescopes. Watch them panic in vain. That is your fate. For lying and removing the name of God, the All Father, and putting the names of SET in your “bible”, “torah” and “Koran”. That is your fate, for not telling humanity that “the ONE” is a real and LIVING PERSON THEY WILL MEET. That is your fate, for stealing the children of Man. You will not continue, as Lilith planned. The debt you now owe is too great. There will be no ‘future’ for any of the CA. An’s debt is so great, that Amnesty is being granted for some, and if you two who are not the priesthood disbelieve [in reference to Netanyahu and Cameron], I suggest you ask the priesthoods and Lilith Elizabeth. Chief Rabbinate of Israel knows the truth, so does the Pontiff."

As you can see, ONE is mentioned here again.  A little over a month later, Rose began posting her videos.  And if I'm not mistaken, isn't the Pope and Netanyahu scheduled for a meet tomorrow?

I have found several of Rose's posts around the internet by doing a search for YellowRoseTX51

Perhaps more will discover what I have discovered, but for those with little time for searches and who appreciate me doing the digging, I'll have fresh content available within a few days.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Chronicles of Yellow Rose: Part 6

Before we explore Rose's remarks on the Father of the Branch of Mankind, let us review some of the information from previous parts in this series.

"SET" was written as "The Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss, Father of the Branch of Reptiles, Ruler of the Underworld and Abyss".

If you'll recall, SET and his children, the El(oheim) or 'Greys' and the Moloch (owl) are the enemies of Mankind according to Rose.

"In Every language and Every land, the Conquering Children of SET were given a Name".

This was done with the specific intent of confusing Mankind on two fronts.  The first front provided a vehicle for confusion whereby Mankind was not able to make an allied stand against an enemy that conquered various lands under varying names and titles.  The second front was convincing Mankind that the invaders where actually our gods, which allowed for SET to collect our silent consent and seal us.

Rose elaborates further:

In Every land and Every language, they were given a Name and claimed themselves “GOD” on conquered Earth. In Sumeria, he [SET] was ‘An’; Greece he was ‘Cronus’ Father Time – he created the Cycles of Destruction, the Mayan Calendars, etc. Until then we had no concept of ‘god’ and deifying people.

Prior to the invasion, Mankind had no concept of deification.  We practiced Self Rule and an Accepted for Value system.  I'll be honest, I'm not entirely certain what that system entails, but here is the rest of the commentary from that post.  New stuff as well.

Money was created as part of the Slave system of the Babylonian slave Queen ‘Selene’ whose saxon name was Elizabeth 1. “Gloriana/Inanna”, her Hebrew Coven name was “Lilith”. Her first Husband, Alexander created the Covens of Azazel, which are defined as the Papal, Royal, & Federal Covens of Selene. Among his coven names were “Azazel, Massawa the great architect, and Baphomet”. This is the Coven age history, and the creation of Pharisees and Caesars. He also created the freemasons which is run by QE3, and the illuminati is run by the Papal. This was not a thousand years ago, it was at the turn of the 1900′s. They seized all the libraries and they own the education systems which were created by them for the express purpose of returning man to the dark ages of illiteracy and idiocracy.
After the war, in order to protect Lilith QE, they divided up the power structure. They moved the seat of the pharisees to England from Rome. The papal is the legislator branch, the royal QE is the executor branch, the federals are the judicial branch. It is the Federals who were called the Merchants and the money lenders at the temple of SET whom the Hebrew covens called “Solomon, the wise Serpent” and Sumerians called “An”.

These three, commonly called the 3 Ptolemy’s, created and control the slave system. They created Covens that were renamed Religions worldwide. They created Commerce, Banking and money systems, Corporations and the 5 day work week were all fruits of labor are seized as tribute to ‘god’ which is their dual name system of the ‘corporations’ who the covens ascribed certain ‘Divine Rights Powers and Privileges’ over the nations. They created the Judges and the Corporate Courts, where no one gets real justice, because they blinded justice for the purpose of gaining a fee. They created taxation on mankind. All of this was their specific form of slavery, and they controlled all of it as a single blood and marriage related group. This is who we went to war with and this is who created the use of Covet Means as a specific form of Warfare. These are not “Hebrew”, nor are the “Jews” or “Zionists”. All the name game is a smoke screen. It is one group.

The “Merchant” specialists on Wall street work for the few blood relations of QE that are called “Federals”, that own it. They rig the markets.
The Papal is the Securities Exchange Executor “Holy S.E.E.” Who rigs the Securities. It is the Vatican who issues all Charters, and all Covens are under their umbrella corporation. From the incorporated Coven “Jesuit” to Coven Corporations “Proctor and Gamble.”
QE owns the Freemasons that run the Money printing presses. “QE 1,2,3″ is Queen Elizabeth’s Executive Orders for the Extraction of all Nations by Covet Means. She owns 48 Nations by ownership of the Incorporated entity the Papal placed over them in 1917. IE “ISRAEL, U.S” etc.
Rothschild owns the “Crown” which is a corporate bank. He owns all but 3 banks world wide, including China’s HSBC. And this is how Libor is rigged. It is the Federals who were put over the nations and incorporated the governing bodies, and this is how they control the legislation passed from the papal and then enforced on the people. Rothschild created the Bills of exchange Act, which bills you for your electric use from the corporations a federal was given divine right to own.
They own the UN, which is forcing sterilization, chemtrails, agenda 21 and gun control.
They own the “147 Corporations…”
And this is the Company store system they set up over the world, their ‘Babylon’.

They believe that they are fighting the War in Heaven for the ‘other’ side who opposes mankind. They believe that they fight for the Branch of SET. Which is the “Left Hand Path of SET”, “Service to Self”. The Highest service to self is murder of self or other, a sociopath. They have practiced eugenics for the specific purpose of creating the ultimate sociopath. They are dangerously insane and evil.

Corporate governing bodies, and money systems…all of these were based on the esoteric Left Hand path, and are designed to promote the highest degree of service to self – murder of self or other. This is why when they get abolished, then restarted, they instantly corrupt again. This is not the original system of Mankind. Mankind is the Right hand path, and part of the Divine. Our original system was called Acceptance for Value.

I found this bit of information early yesterday morning when the power returned to my home after going out at 11:11am and returning 11 hours later.

I know I said in the previous post that we get to meet the Father of the Branch of Mankind, but this post is already quite lengthy and full of new information.

Tomorrows post will start with all tidbits I've managed to collect from Rose concerning the All Father.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Chronicles of Yellow Rose: Part 5

Many people have been discussing things like the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL), the Resistance Movement with Cobra, the Andromeda Council and Tolec, etc, etc... ad infinitum.

Well, as far as most of the New Age movement is concerned, Rose recently had this to say:

Having looked at the link, I can tell you these things. "Ashtar Command" "Sirian" "Andromedan" and "Light workers" are the other side of the war. The names on this site are all the coven groups. The El run the Pap-al, and brought you jesus and that look alike, sandana. .It looks like another site where the El hijacked the name 'Pleiadian' and 'Confederate'. "Con" does not mean "with" it means 'against' (pro/con) and they altered it. The lesser nobility are named "Feder-als" as the higher on the line are named "Roy-als". "Con Federate" is 'against' Federals. "Ashtar" is directly Lilith's command (Elizabeth).

People are warned here, against channeling. So an Ally would not channel or 'download' information.

"Lilith" controlled the Central Sun, I don't know if that has changed. "Goddess energy" is an altered alchemy term: "Divine Feminine" - and it is the Negative pole of Energy. Like a battery, has a positive and negative side. The Divine Feminine was used for weapons technology by the Pharaoh invaders, against Mankind.

Only Lilith and her side, uses the "Bright White Light" which is used to mask who they are until they can camouflage their real image, before presenting themselves to the individual.

The Pleiadian Portal - May 17th 2014 The video actually doesn't sound like the same group, as the site. So I'm not sure, other that the fact that again they are using the term light worker and talking about the central sun. It is possible, that this is their group who is moving forward, and this is what they plan for their own people. Each branch can raise their people as they choose. It is also possible that an actual confederate, has gotten some of the wrong information or has been solicited by the other side without his knowledge.


For a little background, Rose is responding to a comment I posted on the Papal Key video.  Alexander Meadors, who has been interviewing Cobra from the 2012 Portal Blog and broadcasting it over the Internet, recently reached out to me for my file on Rose's commentary from around the web.

I posted a small portion of information for her, asked a few questions, but never got a reply.

At any rate, Rose does suggest that most, if not ALL New Age movements belong to the other side of the war (SET), with the exception of the Pleiadian, however, she does also mention that the Pleiadian name could have been co-opted for malevolent means.

Looking at Part Four and 5 of this series, I hope one is able to begin to see what is unfolding before us in this Construct.

For Part 6, I'd like to revisit some of the key points of information about the enemies of Mankind while introducing the Father of the Branch of Mankind and what Rose says we can do to insure we have a conscious choice as to whom may seal us.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Chronicles Of Yellow Rose: Part Four

First, my apologies for not posting yesterday.  I had an afternoon party to attend and decided to spend the rest of the time with my family.

There have been some recent comments from Rose over on her YouTube channel.  I'm trying to track all of them down.

I am not currently able to focus my full attention on today's post, so I'll get some new info up for those that are still with me and eager to wrap their minds around more of Rose's knowledge.

This gets straight to the 'nitty gritty' so to speak.  Remember, a lot of this deals with how they have kept us here for several cycles.  Recently, the Law was broken, which forfeited An's share of the Division of the Families.  Keep that in mind as you read.

I don’t know who is behind this deception, but it is very like the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Meant for deception. Pure propaganda. It sounds ‘nice’ but just like the governments lies, it only ‘sounds nice’ it is actually something completely different.

They are stealing mankinds children, by Sealing them to do service to other branches, rather than the branch of Man. The Seal can be removed by the subconscious which takes oaths and vows of service seriously (Subconscious Sabotage). What they do is program the subconscious to make a vow or oath of service to them, and then when the father of Man whom is actually the real ‘God’ of Mankind, Seals them, the subconscious is removing it. This allows the other branch to seal them and steal them.
There is no ’5th Density’. That is all within SET’s realm – the ruler of the Underworld(“hollow earth”) and the Abyss(negative space of the sith lords and origin of demons). The hebrew called him “Solomon” and JESUS is the Coven name for his line. Which is why he commands demons, not God.
Those who choose ‘ascension’ are being tricked and they are being sealed by his branch families and stay within SET’s realm. They never regain their memory-never leave the veil (stay attached to SET’s Akashic records which he routinely alters)- and never leave the incarnation cycle, which is his clone recycling method – not being ‘reborn’.

God does NOT CHANNEL nor does he do DOWNLOADS of information. ‘Bad’ can cheat, but under the Law, ‘Good’ can not. There is a penalty. The law is, that they(good/god) may only make contact via the subconscious knock.
Renew your vow to god alone. Do this by writing it out, then speaking the words. And continue to do this. It helps break the subconscious sabotage. The time of the division of the families is here. Which is why “so many wept when they found out the choice they had made”. Many are going to the underworld, which is not the ‘nice’ image of ‘Hollow Earth’ they have given nor is it the wonderful future Not much time left to break it. When you do this, you’ll get them ‘pushing’ the thoughts into the mind, to get you to alter your choice. Continue to write it out and speak it out loud. It does help break the sabotage.

The sabotage is deep. Many whom are sabotaged, will read this post and think it is a lie or for other reasons discount it. Part of their sabotage is to ‘blind’ a person. IE, a sociopath is ‘blind’ to the harm they do. A person can suffer ‘blind’ ambition. Through their religious coven indoctrination they can have ‘blind’ faith in ‘JESUS’ or ‘MOHAMMAD.’ Through their new age indoctrination they can ‘blindly’ believe in ‘ascension’ and ’5th density’ without completely understanding what they are actually being told. These people miss out that they have been caught until the cuffs are on them or the veil is lifted.

There are only three locations.

In which those whom are ‘good’ have 13 houses/tribes; and God is real. In other words he is a person you will meet. He has another name, he is called “ONE”. Which is not a number or a concept but a name, it is the origin of “Law of ONE”. God is the right hand path, service to others, and in order to be a part of the divine, you have to be ‘good’

“The Abyss” 
Which is a Negative Space, fueled by a binary system with a black sun. During the war, they pulled us, planet and all, in through the Eye(Sun) which is also called the ‘East Gate Entrance of God’, into the Abyss. This is why NASA has all those ‘evil’ aliens spoken of. We ‘fell’ in Battle, and have been p.o.w.’s. The only ‘aliens’ that have been met, are those whom are in breach of the Law which places them on the opposing side of the War. They controled the area, and so they had access and the ability to influence. The El(oheim) are the greys. The hebrew coven removed the wording in the books, it was written as “the Eloheim with whom Man is at war with in the War in Heaven” “AL, IL, EL, are Latin Suffixes for god El” And this is whom JFK refereed to in his ‘secret society speech’ and why he was killed by the Covens who made a pact for power, with the El(babylon “Illu/Illi and Illumi” origin of Coven Illuminati, the Roman Pontiffs office) The El are not alone. And “the El created the Nephilheim and the Ba-el”

“The Underworld” 
Which is not the myth of beauty the Nephlihiem give. They are chipped like Borg. They can not make choices outside of that computer program, and never regain their memory, nor do they have knowledge of their real history. They are attached to the computer Akashic records that “Lilith” and her Melchizedek Order control, rewrite, and alter and they are under SET. Set’s cycles “Mayan calendar” “Syn, Lord of Calendars” is that cycle which is designed to twist the spirit into a demonic form. They are service to self, the left hand path, and that is the purpose of the cycles of endless harm. “Nephliheim” translates to ‘reanimated body’. They stole our original dna, and they use it as their ‘vehicle’ while poisoning our dna and this is who is involved with the ptb.

“You are not the Body, the Body is the Vehicle”. A human being is the ‘mirror’ for the Spirit which is interacting within this environment. It is currently hidden from your site, and operates on the subconscious level as somewhat of a separate personality. This is your ‘double’, it is a you that you will like. ‘They’ have None of the addictions and bad habits you have been given here.
And incident will soon occur. At that point you will meet your ‘double’. And that is when the ‘leap’ forward is made. In both evolution…you will never be a slow wit again…and in spirit, you will again be clean. 

The Law is “Nothing of the Old may go Forward” and this means not only the bad habits will be removed, so will “Selene’s” QE1 slave system and her governments, will be removed. Because you are altered, and of a more conscious nature, you will be self rule again. We have earned a Larual World; which is a world of green life and abundance of life forms.

Those who stay in SET’s realms, the ’5th density’ and ‘dimensions’ of SET; will stay in slavery. Everything they had planned to do to us, will be done to them. They wrote their own script, of War death and endless poverty. They do not get a Laural world; they [choose] concrete and they will get desert.

All life that is ‘good’ is about to be separated from these evil lying entities. And that is the truth.
So much for the New Age Movement, eh?!

And to think, I've been really interested in the likes of Wilcock, Drake, Poof and ZAP, Cobra... the list goes on an on. Never any mention of ONE, the Division of the Families, SET, the Law of ONE (except Wilcock does point to the Law of One through Ra, which we all know now is SET's line) Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

There is a TON of information here.  And I must say, ALL of it rings true to my soul.  Rose has referenced a few films in the past. The Matrix, Avatar, and Star Wars are some I can recall off the top.  I find the anagram of NEO and ONE interesting.

I'd like to provide more information on ONE in tomorrow's post.  There are bits and pieces that Rose has left behind around the Internet and I'll attempt to gather them into one location.  We'll also take a look at May, the May Queen, and EVE.  I don't quite know how they all relate just yet, but hopefully having all of the references grouped together will help.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Chronicles of Yellow Rose: Part 3

Our recap today is rather interesting.  Just who is the 'Monolithic' group who opposes Mankind in the War in Heaven?

Let us look back and see what stands out:

The "Monolithic" Group that "Opposes" Mankind is called the 'COVENS of AZAZEL' an incorporated entity created By Alexander. They are defined as "The PAPAL, ROYAL & FEDERAL" and this is who the war was against. They fight against Mankind, for the Branch of 'SET' which is the Coven name of Suleiman.

Branch of SET/Suleiman.  We are given a partial understanding of SET from part one of this series:

"SET" was written as "The Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss, Father of the Branch of Reptiles, Ruler of the Underworld and Abyss".
Hebrew called him "Solomon" the 'wise serpent' & 'terrible judge'.
Sumeria name "An".
        "OANES" is "O An is" "A.D." is "Anno Domini" Domination of An
Egyptian Coven Name "SET"
Babylon: Sulieman
common man called him "Satan" (SET-AN)

SET was the Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss. If you've been following Rose's material and comments, you'll know that she likens the Creation or Construct to that of an electrical board with a positive (Heaven) and a Binary (Negative/Neutral) arena that comprises SET's domain, the Underworld, and what was once the Sith controlled Abyss.

That's right. SITH controlled.  Also known as the 'smokey Sith' since they require a host body to function on the Earth.  SET eventually conquered the Sith, which appears to be his MO.

Today, we'll take a deeper look into the Sith and SET as Rose sees it.

"The Pharaohs statues lead with the Left Foot to Denote the Left Hand Path of SET; Service to Self. The Highest Service to Self is Murder of Self or Other" A Sociopath.

This is one large group, that is an umbrella corporation which is running all other corporations as 'shell' corporations. That is inclusive of "MI6" to "CIA"; to corporate governing bodies like "CHINA", "ISRAEL" to "U.S."; from "ISLAM", "BUDDHA", "PAGAN RELIGIONS" to "CATHOLIC"; "TEMPLAR", 'FREEMASON" to "JESUIT". These are all 'incorporated' entities. You are witnessing a Large Scale, Planet wide 'COMPANY STORE SYSTEM' that uses the ploy of "infighting" to give the appearance they are not related to each other, when in fact the trace of financial instruments shows that they are. This one group, has at the top of it, a group of individuals whom are Sociopaths by choice; it is in fact their 'religion'. They're intent is premeditated murder. It gives them a sense of satisfaction. To a normal human being these actions seem 'insane' and we constantly fail to comprehend; Sociopaths literally do not think the way normal people do. They are hardwired to the reptile brain, and literally do not have the physical capacity to think like a normal human being. That is straight from the legal and medical terminologies.

Rose does appear to be pretty thorough with her description of the followers of SET and the Sith. They are Service to Self sociopaths hardwired to the reptile portion of the brain.  They are unable to think like normal human beings.

This is where things started to fall together for me.  Normal human beings are capable of reason, rational thought, love, sharing, etc...

Enter the Emissaries of Light (aka SET and his minions) waving the banner of, "Man's nature being that of a violent, vile, and evil species, totally incapable of any benevolent traits, rational thought, or spiritual prowess."

So that last part was written in my words, but you get the idea.  I think it should be very easy to see these individuals now.  Anyone parroting War.  Anyone labeling those who question the System as loonies, conspiracy theorists or nuts.  Anyone blocking, limiting, or otherwise hindering the due process of True Law and Justice where ritual child rape and murder is concerned.

If we want to get really specific as to who these traitors and enemies of Mankind our, let us look further into Rose's commentary.

What all of you covens have forgotten is your own History. It is the Family of SET the “Leviathan [Class Serpent] of the Abyss” that invaded Earth. In his own Arc he is called Lord Abyth Sol and his Coven the Hebrew, called him “Sol-O-Mon” the ‘Wise Serpent’. 

In Every land and Every language, they were given a Name and claimed themselves “GOD” on conquered Earth. In Sumeria, he was ‘An’; Greece he was ‘Cronus’ Father Time – he created the Cycles of Destruction, the Mayan Calendars, etc. Until then we had no concept of ‘god’ and deifying people.

SET had two offspring branches, the El(oheim) which the Babylonians called Demons and where ‘illu/illi and illumi’ and “Lilith’s Shining Ones” because their skins can emit light. They enter on the 33rd degree line, into this domain. 

And it is the Annunaki Owl which are the Sumerian Moloch – “Isis, Queen of the Moloch”; and their primary food source is children. Which is why “Lilith eats Children”. “A.D.” is Latin “Ann-O Domini” and means “Annunaki Owl Domination” of Earth. The Annunaki Council of 7 is the “Luciferian Council of 7″ and the El Council of 9 is the “Archangel Michael Council of 9.” The El created the Ba-El and the Nephilheim. The Ba-el were the overseers that originally collected the human sacrifice of children for the Moloch.

During my search for Rose's commentary, I was unable to really read any of it until I was satisfied I had done as an extensive search as possible, albeit, with the limited resources accessible to all on the Internet.

When I started reading the information just shared above, my mind exploded.  If you are like me, the occult, esoteric, and otherwise "hidden" knowledge has been an interesting topic of research.  The exciting thing for me was piecing together the mosaic left by Rose. Many posts from Rose contain very similar, if not exact wording to describe things as they are (not how we see them).

Slowly and carefully though, she appears to be giving more and more information throughout her posts.  It may be only a line here or a word there, but I found her additions to otherwise redundant information to be very precise and poignant.

If one were to read my file on Rose, seventy percent of it is repetitious.  That leaves only a small fraction (thirty percent) of the content I've been able to find ripe with a cascade of various other critical observations from Rose.

Where is this all leading?  Tomorrow's post will deal directly with what Rose suggests is on the Event Horizon for our planet and Mankind, as well as the enemies of Mankind; the El and Moloch.

I will also reveal what Rose has shared about the Farther of the Branch of Mankind (ONE) and the very real battle for human souls (Division of the Families) that may be a lot closer than we think.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Chronicles of Yellow Rose: Part 2

Before we get to the new information for today's post, I'd like to take the time to recap yesterday's information.  I'll attempt to highlight the key points as they relate to what I have chosen to share today.


"These particular '3' were the '3 Ptolemy's' in our history, before its erasure and removal of Elizabeth to protect "Lilith" from another uprising, which killed her first husband, Alexander."
 - YellowRoseforTexas (Rose) -

For clarity, and based entirely on my understanding of Rose's videos and commentary, the 3 Ptolemys
are Alexander, Elizabeth I, and 'Mad' King George.  Now, I vaguely remember a history given to me concerning these individuals, but Rose suggests that these three individuals were known throughout the Earth under various names.

In Egypt, we knew them as Ra, Isis, and Osiris.  I'd have to brush up on my Egyptian Pantheon knowledge, but suffice it to say, another history that was given to me lay buried in my memory concerning these three individuals.

In Sumeria, we knew them as Marduke, Inanna, and Enlil.  The only knowledge that I possess of this Pantheon comes from Zecharia Sitchin (link below), but yet again, a separate history is given for these 3 individuals.

I could go on into the Greek, Hebrew and Roman equivalents, but my hope is that those that may have been confused by yesterday's post can begin to see how the 3 Ptolemys are related.  So what is the significance?

Well, for starters, I find it fascinating that someone (Rose) is suggesting that the timeline we've been given is inaccurate.  Second, she provides an alternate timeline and gives evidence supporting her claim.  That evidence being that the so called rulers of certain eras were actually the same individuals with different names for the various lands they conquered.  And it happened over the course of one hundred years, not one thousand.

I know that information is a bit hard to swallow, but bear with me.  Today's information will focus specifically on Alexander and what he created.

"Alexander" created the 'Covens of Azazel' in latin root word formations "CA" is Coven Azazel, defined as "PAPAL, ROYAL, & FEDERAL'
Egypt :  "RA" created Wicca, 'Horned god of Coven WICCA'
Rome : "BAPHOMET"  'Coven CAESAR' (ca/e/sar - Coven Azazel - had/out of - Master)
Babylon; "MASSAWA"  'Coven FREEMASON' origin of "Messiah"
       Hopi called him "Massa"
Hebrew : "AZAZEL"
Sumeria : "Marduke"
Russia/Saxon : "Alexander" - Romanov (Roman of)
A  few COVEN and god Names: "MARS", "ARIES", APOLLO", "APOLLYON", "Archangel Michael" by papal promotion"


So what exactly did Alexander create.  We can see that Rose suggests that the Covens of Azazel are defined as PAPAL, ROYAL, & FEDERAL.  Well, I'm somewhat familiar with those groups.  The Papacy is the Vatican (Rome).  The most well known royals are, of course, the current Queen Elizabeth's family out of London.  And if I'm not mistaken, I believe the Federal government operates out of Washington DC.  Hey wait... Aren't those the three city states of our planet???

Lets see what else Rose has to say about these familiar groups.

The "Monolithic" Group that "Opposes" Mankind is called the 'COVENS of AZAZEL' an incorporated entity created By Alexander. They are defined as "The PAPAL, ROYAL & FEDERAL" and this is who the war was against. They fight against Mankind, for the Branch of 'SET' which is the Coven name of Suleiman. 
They created the Pharisees with this Hebrew law which was taught and is now removed:

"All Priest Kings are gods on Earth by Divine Right as granted by god El(ohiem) with whom Man is at War with, in the War in Heaven". 
This Canon created the Pharisees. It was written:

"In Every language and Every land, the Conquering Children of SET were given a Name".

What else can I say but, WOW!  To be honest though, I had a feeling that the Elites at the top were all connected.  I just never had any idea by what means and for what purpose.

"All Priest Kings must have a god Name; a Title Name; a Common Name; & a COVEN Name for each COVEN they create as per the blood pact of COVEN ANT. When promoted, the name must change to reflect the Promotion."
This was not a thousand years ago. The newspapers of 1901 still have "C.E." They set up the current system, including the creation of "Legislation" which is controlled by the Papal branch; judicial system, banking, corporations, which is controlled by the Federal Branch; commerce and corporate governments run by executors whom we 'name' presidents and prime ministers, which is controlled by the Executor Branch the Royal Elizabeth. All of which the Papal put over us in 1917 when they won the war. That is when they moved the pharisees from Rome to England, and removed all reference that Queen Elizabeth was Pharaoh and broke up the power structure into three branches to protect the queen from any claims against her.

There is a wealth of new information to pour over here and I wouldn't be surprised if some questions start surfacing concerning parts one and two of the Yellow Rose Chronicles.

We still have a ways to go and much more information to cover.  I'll have another recap and new information in tomorrow's post.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Chronicles of the Yellow Rose: Part One

If you haven't seen this video:

The Lie NASA Told: Imminent Demise of the NWO

Boosted Audio Version

or this video:

The Destruction of the PAPAL Key

Boosted Audio Version

then this information I've been able to track down from the video's poster, may leave one a bit confused:

They created corporations, with a Latin Canon Law (all caps law). The coven age created all religions, which is why they were called 'snake worship'.

We were taught that "Elizabeth 1" was called in
Egypt : "ISIS"
Babylon : "SELENE"
Hebrew : "LILITH"
Greek : "Arsinoe"
Sumeria : "Inanna"
Saxon:     "Elizabeth" ('Gloriana')
Russia :   "Elizabeth"
Scotland : "Mary"  ('Bloody Mary')
A  few of the various other COVEN and god Names: "SHIVA", "VENUS", ATHENA", "HERA", "Mary Magda-lene" by papal promotion

"Mad" George
Egypt : "OSIRIS"
Rome : "CAESAR" Ptolemy promoted to Sotter(the drunker he got)
Babylon : "SYN" origin of Sin Tax & Syndicate
Hebrew : "Ba-El" King of Hell
Greek :  "BACCHUS"
Sumeria : "Enlil"
Saxon :  "George"
A  few of the various other COVEN and god Names: "JUPITER", "ZEUS", "HADES", "POSEIDON"(Pose I done), "ODIN", "SERAPIS", "ST. Peter" by papal promotion

"Alexander" created the 'Covens of Azazel' in latin root word formations "CA" is Coven Azazel, defined as "PAPAL, ROYAL, & FEDERAL'
Egypt :  "RA" created Wicca, 'Horned god of Coven WICCA'
Rome : "BAPHOMET"  'Coven CAESAR' (ca/e/sar - Coven Azazel - had/out of - Master)
Babylon; "MASSAWA"  'Coven FREEMASON' origin of "Messiah"
       Hopi called him "Massa"
Hebrew : "AZAZEL"
Sumeria : "Marduke"
Russia/Saxon : "Alexander" - Romanov (Roman of)
A  few COVEN and god Names: "MARS", "ARIES", APOLLO", "APOLLYON", "Archangel Michael" by papal promotion

These particular '3' were the '3 Ptolemy's' in our history, before its erasure and removal of Elizabeth to protect "Lilith" from another uprising, which killed her first husband, Alexander.

"SET" was written as "The Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss, Father of the Branch of Reptiles, Ruler of the Underworld and Abyss".
Hebrew called him "Solomon" the 'wise serpent' & 'terrible judge'.
Sumeria name "An".
        "OANES" is "O An is" "A.D." is "Anno Domini" Domination of An
Egyptian Coven Name "SET"
Babylon: Sulieman
common man called him "Satan" (SET-AN)

George & Elizabeth were the "Incestuous twins" and had a son, named 'Charles'. "Charlemagne", "Lord Melchizedek (Order of Lilith)","MERCURY",  "HORUS" papal promoted to "JESUS"

Selene/Elizabeth daughter of Solomon/Suleiman Iranian married her nephew Alexander, son of "Pagan EA". When he was killed in the uprising she married her twin. When George was killed, in order to keep the Hebrew custom of a Coven Diarchy, she married her son Charles.

It was 4 years of history classes. We had to memorize the names, the canon laws, and the other relevant facts that created our charter and its bill of rights. This was not a thousand years ago, it was circa "C.E. 1890-1901"

According to that history, Iran(Babylon UR) launched a war. 

I know I was a bit confused.  So I've decided to include what I've found strewn about the internet from this remarkable woman over the course of the next few days.

My intention was to go over all of it as one file and trim the content since it becomes redundant when multiple entries from YellowRoseforTexas contain the same information.

Instead, I am going to put up what I find to be most relevant as it pertains to the videos linked in this post.

I know that through our collective efforts we may find a way to hurry ourselves to a place where we can all have and experience what amount of truth is left as we stand on the precipice of what I hope comes to pass.

If it does not, I'll not regret the perspective gained and the insight gleaned into what I find to be a most magnificent telling of how things 'could' be.

I'll do my best to keep up with questions and comments.  I am also constantly running searches for any other commentary 'Rose' may have left online.

I have a pretty extensive cache already.  The work of collecting has started off great. Searches are becoming tedious though so, I've decided to start putting up what I've found for others to experience and share if so inclined.

I'll have another round of information out tomorrow around the same time.  If anyone would like to send other tidbits my way for posting, let me know in the comments section.