Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Where I Must Go

This is a continuation of the previous post, "Where I Have Come."

Most recently, I have discovered at least two requirements for awakening to truth. Firstly, concerning truth, there is no such thing as multiple truths.  There can only be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth.  Knowing what truth is requires at least the following two understandings:

- We are 'spirits' incarnate
- We have been lied to about everything

If the former is not understand, the latter is exponentially more difficult to conceive. I liken it to this:
Those practicing behaviors tend to see those behaviors in others. At times, to a fault. For instance, the accuser of infidelity is often the one guilty of the act. By this reasoning, those who tell and seek truth are often unable to fathom one who would lie, thus, aligning with institutions, be they governments, religions, philosophies... none of which, by the way, every really focus on understanding the very real truth of who we are. Spirits incarnate.

In place of truth, we are fed any number of a multiple of truths, which in essence, must all be lies. The very existence of truth does not require one's belief in it.  On the contrary, every single institution requires our collective belief in those said structures in order for them to continue to exist. The lies must be believed in order to exist. The truth stands apart from the lies, and regardless of where one's beliefs reside, the truth is found within us all as well.  For within this body, this vehicle, is housed a spirit. This spirit is true life, as I've come to understand it, and knows the truth of which I speak.

We are spirits incarnate. We are drivers of the vehicle (body/mirror). The vehicle can be driven by others, if allowed. Allowance can be granted through ignorance or through knowing consent. Digestible enough, right?

I realize that by approaching the truth, one must suspend disbelief in the truth, and belief in the multitude of truths.  Truth is singular.  Where multiple truths exist, all must be considered lies.

So what is the Truth? In truth, we are spirits. In truth, it is our sole/soul purpose to allow the creator to know itself through our collective, but individual and subjective experiences.  This is the only truth. We are spirit (life) whose sole/soul purpose is to allow the Creator to know itself as One Self through our individual and subjective experiences as they manifest in an undivided and unified expression, also known as Reality.

I have come to believe that this particular reality has been altered. And this is where Rose's information comes into the picture.  Elsewhere on this blog, I've posted some interesting comments from Rose and links to her videos.  It is my objective to continue to present new information as it surfaces, however, this series of posts will not go into great detail on that.

My intent is to continue to provide my understanding of Truth as a means to awaken others to what I have come to know as the Truth and, subsequently, our sole/soul purpose, which is to continue to collectively manifest expressions so that the Creator can further know itself as One Self.


  1. Thank you Jordan for all your work...:)

  2. Thank you, Jordan. Can you give definitions as per Rose for: what is spirit? what is sole/soul? why is body also called "mirror"? how do these all relate in this so-called "constructed reality"?

  3. As of today, June 21st 2014 /Saturday, Rose's video the Lie Nasa Told ... has reached its saturation point. It's ridiculous to scan thru all the comments to find something new. I have been here since the beginning ... enough already! (Longer than weeks/months ... it's been years for me!)When the heck is this Leap happening? Every nite I call out to the ONE. We're "hanging in there" b/c this info/message is the best thing that's happened to all of us ... However, It's time ... and, I'm tired!! How many feel the same way and are hesitant ot express it? Love to all,
    Ann Marie
    PS: Also, Jordon, you have not replied to one comment I made over the last several weeks on your blog. :( I don't have a google account to reply on youtube. It's OK. Someone has already said this in the comments and I echo the same ... God, the ONE, let this be over soon? ... NOW would be fine! I got excited about the "pour" several days ago, as did Kat and then Rose says it's Mercury starting. And ... now, how many planets must we go thru? This is not fair. I know it's all a time construct ... all in the ONE's good time ... so let's get it done! ONE, your children are ready, tired and plain "Worn out"! I look forward to meeting ONE face to face ... and letting it be known exactly how I feel/have felt! Ideally, I will be received with Love!
    PS: I think also in my opinion, too much attention was given to that Samuel Koslover character. Again, it was Rose's choice. Again, I'm tired. Good nite.

  4. Have any of you heard of the books? You might find them interesting. Truth but into a story. I have been following rose since May and trying to find info out there. Thank you Jordan for giving space to share.
    i know people are tired so am I. but i find hope in seeing from other people awaking up!!! We are growing in numbers. much love

  5. Jordan? Just checking in to see if you're ok...hope all is well with you and yours! We'd love to hear from you when you have time. How's your studio coming along?

  6. Hi Jordan I haven't heard from you in a while, hope you are ok..
