Monday, December 31, 2012

February 2013: Possible Asteroid Impact

Things to Consider

First off, this link:

Gordon Duff - Veterans Today 

While I have the utmost respect for Duff and his contributions, I must run with this story in a direction that I am compelled, albeit, intuitively.

I'll be drawing on a few stories that have come to life in Internetdom over the course of it's existence so, a search should yield a wide variety of said tales that I will now partially reference.

In no particular order, Alien Takeover/Hoax/False Flag; numerous asteroid impact tales including a few notable Hollywood iterations; Agenda 21/Global Genocide/Illuminati/NWO et al; Space Weapons Bill.

Following My Nose

And I'm not saying I have a great sniffer, but, intuitively, I feel as though Duff is either knowingly and in compliance with, or unknowingly and the stooge of, a plot to preemptively create a cover story for a future event in Africa.

The cover story? Well reader, the asteroid of course!

An asteroid impact was documented and some of those details are found in the article from Duff, linked above. Are there possibly Space Weapons in place already? Could a cover story involving an asteroid impact in Africa actually be a planned Space Weapon attack on that continent by a nefarious group? Furthermore, since data exists that details a previous event that is said to have been an asteroid impact, could an almost identical effect be replicated using Black Technology, then spun as an asteroid impact?

No Informants

At least not of the terrestrial persuasion.  I must say truthfully that this thought came to me immediately upon reading the article.  I read VT daily and enjoy what Gordon Duff has had the balls to do and say. If anything, it is his style of writing and the information he discloses that has me questioning him in this article.

This is my intuited-through-suspicion perspective, if you will.

As far as I know, none of us alive today have lived through an asteroid impact.  The vast majority of us wouldn't know how to track and follow such celestial bodies, even with the best equipment on the planet.  Billions of humans would be dumbfounded, should such an event ever occur, the moment of impact, or possibly as the object entered our atmosphere.

Why am I mentioning all of this? Because Gordon Duff is mentioning it. He has also held suspicious objections to information, opinions, and accepted science. At this hour, I do the same and hold suspicious objections.

So, I would venture to say about 1 - 2 percent of the population would have knowledge of this possible catastrophe.  Why disclose the info now, a few short months away?  Is the event set in stone? Will Africa suffer some type of catastrophic calamity in February? Will it be an asteroid impact, or something far more sinister?

Wait and See

I'll see if Suspicious0bserver from YouTube will lend his expertise to my intuition.

In the meantime, should something HUGE happen in Africa in February that is called an asteroid impact, I won't be able to subdue my current suspicions.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

School Is In Session

Wisdom Applied

This Friday, December 21, 2012, while some are scratching their heads wondering why we are still here, and as others are perplexed as to why we are not here, I'll be making my initial down payment here:

Dub Academy of Austin 

At 32 years of age, I may be a bit past my prime for the performing arts, but my passion for music drives a hunger that needs to be sated.  I am happy to contribute to my local community through active involvement in pursuits of passion.

Perfect Timing

To magnify intent, I have chosen to mark this upcoming astrological event with my actions. The impact of harmonious timing should manifest a magnificent milestone in my experience.

Now, I am by no means a master of numerology or an occult initiate. I do understand enough to either get myself in trouble, or at least attempt to align myself, for a change, with something much greater than me.  My involvement in this community element; my financial contribution to this aspect of society; my passion associated with this communally shared experience is what I can offer. So I shall.

Death and Rebirth in Winter

Classes start February. My readers (to the few that have given me a little over 1,200 views to date, cheers!) can expect a new element to accompany my posts. I will be adding video and musical aspects for consumption. Digital media is an amazing way to share ideas, concepts, beliefs and passions.  My anticipation is to partner with some amazing individuals in their respected fields here in Austin over a radically benevolent archive of Internet News, Views & Events, or INVE.

Many musical contributions will be performed by yours truly, and will be available for FREE download at my future site. I am hoping to have some amazing guests feature their talents and skills and, where possible, have their performance pieces or original tracks available for FREE download as well.

Video segments will be contributed, in part, by a wonderful cohort of mine, who will be introduced at a later date.

2013 or Year 0001?

Whatever you decide is very important.  I choose the latter.  For me, it signifies a new direction in my life. The next phase of my life is to apply the understanding I've attained. Personification of Values, if you will. If not for my own sake, then certainly for the sake of my son and his mother...and Ember, our puppy... (and I only mention Ember because Dani, Jericho's mother, would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't...brrrmp, Jewfo)

The significance of this culminating in my 33rd year could not be more significant! (and the use of the variants of signify is certainly on purpose, with intent)

I may never get initiated into the Sacred Schools of Egypt formally, but my own life does reflect those esoteric tales of yore. Awareness of this has led me to Austin, to Dub Academy, to my Future. I embrace the death to come, and the rebirth that follows.

- JBiZ!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Marketing the Holidays

The Most Advertised Time of the Year

It is that time of year again. Commercial ads and sales galore! All dollars earned must be spent on frivolous fabrications of the leviathan, also known as the manufacturing sector. Stacking deep and selling cheap deals can be found alongside scams and other snake oil peddling pontification. Black Thursday has been indefinitely extended. Buy... Buy... BUY!

Quite frankly, I'm not buying it.  Now, that is not to say that I never purchase anything. I am, however, more conscious of whom I purchase from.  I must admit, living in a place like Austin, Texas makes it easy. I have stayed away from Wal-Mart for years now. Living in ATX makes finding local alternatives to big box options a breeze. Not really my point for this blog entry, but a nice aside that bolsters my greater train of thought.

What Have We Strayed From?

Found this little Internet gem:

Origins of Christmas

For someone like me, information such as this is nothing new, but still appreciated when I stumble upon it. Humanity has danced away from past tradition and ritual as we always have and will continue to do. Our current step is off balance, out of sync, and in disharmony with the beautiful music echoing throughout space. Abundance is the tune that resounds. Freedom is the melody punctuating the tune. Love, Kindness, and Respect are the instruments comprising the melody. I cannot wait to be a part of this Cosmic Fugue (Carl Sagan).

Speaking of Sagan, a birdie whistled to me one summer afternoon that Mr. Sagan may have been Majestic... as in Twelve.  Not only that, but Carl Sagan was said to have held a vastly different opinion of life outside of Earth prior to a possible incident that changed his perspective forever.  I wonder if Mrs. Sagan holds answers to such mutterings..?

Why Not Create a Different Society?

We are smart creatures, right? Why are we so unable to create a mutually equitable societal system for the entire planet? Why are we instead taught to compete? If you do not believe that Western Society is predicated on and almost always personified by competition, hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.

For those interested in my point, we are taught competition at home as children, in schools as children, in colleges as adults, in the workplace as employees, and in the sacred texts of all denominations. Why is that? If you need examples,  think of sibling rivalry. There is even a tag for this explicit type of familial competition. Later it is the pressures of competing for grades in both high school and college, all for the sake of competing in the job market. On the news, religious and national competitions manifest as wars and genocides, usually visited by the stronger unto the weaker. Resources and land being more valuable than human life you see...

Some of you may be thinking that my argument is invalid since the types of competition mentioned are not taught outright, intentionally, or with malice as the aim. Perhaps. However, who constructed our current society and has it really changed at all since its inception?

Sure, technology has improved over the generations, hell, over the past few weeks in certain fields religiously. But those creating the technology are actually just competing for profit margins and bottom lines, right? No one is actually manufacturing anything sustainable, renewable, or equitable for society at large, are they? I do not mean to paint with wide brushstrokes, but if even a fraction of the current capitalist system pursued a benevolent societal transformation, built on the values mentioned above in reference to the Cosmic Fugue, wouldn't we be there already?

The Resistance

If the entirety of the population of our planet, all 7 billion, could live harmonious lives in tandem with peace, prosperity, and abundance for all, who would resist such a Utopia? We have the means to make this possible.

Open Source Ecology

Keshe Foundation

The Venus Project

Above are just a few links to sites that, if viewed with an open mind and loving heart, provide plausible possibilities for Humanity's future. Our individual and collective psyches will play an important role in shaping our adaptability when it comes to transitioning from our old, competitive paradigm into a new, mutually equitable scenario.

We have been taught, almost bred to fight for everything we have as humans. Who this initially was taught by may never fully be known. Regardless, what has been learned can be unlearned. What has been bred in can be bred out. Awareness and recognition of our current state is the foundation on which benevolent change can manifest for Humanity. Few are beginning to see. Most never will.  Until the few become the majority though, the status quo will Ho Ho Ho HOE out the Holidays, pushing the soulless values upheld by the current capitalistic consumerism over the soulful yearnings of Love, Kindness, Respect, Freedom and Abundance for All.

- JBiZ!