Friday, May 23, 2014

The Chronicles of Yellow Rose: Part 3

Our recap today is rather interesting.  Just who is the 'Monolithic' group who opposes Mankind in the War in Heaven?

Let us look back and see what stands out:

The "Monolithic" Group that "Opposes" Mankind is called the 'COVENS of AZAZEL' an incorporated entity created By Alexander. They are defined as "The PAPAL, ROYAL & FEDERAL" and this is who the war was against. They fight against Mankind, for the Branch of 'SET' which is the Coven name of Suleiman.

Branch of SET/Suleiman.  We are given a partial understanding of SET from part one of this series:

"SET" was written as "The Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss, Father of the Branch of Reptiles, Ruler of the Underworld and Abyss".
Hebrew called him "Solomon" the 'wise serpent' & 'terrible judge'.
Sumeria name "An".
        "OANES" is "O An is" "A.D." is "Anno Domini" Domination of An
Egyptian Coven Name "SET"
Babylon: Sulieman
common man called him "Satan" (SET-AN)

SET was the Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss. If you've been following Rose's material and comments, you'll know that she likens the Creation or Construct to that of an electrical board with a positive (Heaven) and a Binary (Negative/Neutral) arena that comprises SET's domain, the Underworld, and what was once the Sith controlled Abyss.

That's right. SITH controlled.  Also known as the 'smokey Sith' since they require a host body to function on the Earth.  SET eventually conquered the Sith, which appears to be his MO.

Today, we'll take a deeper look into the Sith and SET as Rose sees it.

"The Pharaohs statues lead with the Left Foot to Denote the Left Hand Path of SET; Service to Self. The Highest Service to Self is Murder of Self or Other" A Sociopath.

This is one large group, that is an umbrella corporation which is running all other corporations as 'shell' corporations. That is inclusive of "MI6" to "CIA"; to corporate governing bodies like "CHINA", "ISRAEL" to "U.S."; from "ISLAM", "BUDDHA", "PAGAN RELIGIONS" to "CATHOLIC"; "TEMPLAR", 'FREEMASON" to "JESUIT". These are all 'incorporated' entities. You are witnessing a Large Scale, Planet wide 'COMPANY STORE SYSTEM' that uses the ploy of "infighting" to give the appearance they are not related to each other, when in fact the trace of financial instruments shows that they are. This one group, has at the top of it, a group of individuals whom are Sociopaths by choice; it is in fact their 'religion'. They're intent is premeditated murder. It gives them a sense of satisfaction. To a normal human being these actions seem 'insane' and we constantly fail to comprehend; Sociopaths literally do not think the way normal people do. They are hardwired to the reptile brain, and literally do not have the physical capacity to think like a normal human being. That is straight from the legal and medical terminologies.

Rose does appear to be pretty thorough with her description of the followers of SET and the Sith. They are Service to Self sociopaths hardwired to the reptile portion of the brain.  They are unable to think like normal human beings.

This is where things started to fall together for me.  Normal human beings are capable of reason, rational thought, love, sharing, etc...

Enter the Emissaries of Light (aka SET and his minions) waving the banner of, "Man's nature being that of a violent, vile, and evil species, totally incapable of any benevolent traits, rational thought, or spiritual prowess."

So that last part was written in my words, but you get the idea.  I think it should be very easy to see these individuals now.  Anyone parroting War.  Anyone labeling those who question the System as loonies, conspiracy theorists or nuts.  Anyone blocking, limiting, or otherwise hindering the due process of True Law and Justice where ritual child rape and murder is concerned.

If we want to get really specific as to who these traitors and enemies of Mankind our, let us look further into Rose's commentary.

What all of you covens have forgotten is your own History. It is the Family of SET the “Leviathan [Class Serpent] of the Abyss” that invaded Earth. In his own Arc he is called Lord Abyth Sol and his Coven the Hebrew, called him “Sol-O-Mon” the ‘Wise Serpent’. 

In Every land and Every language, they were given a Name and claimed themselves “GOD” on conquered Earth. In Sumeria, he was ‘An’; Greece he was ‘Cronus’ Father Time – he created the Cycles of Destruction, the Mayan Calendars, etc. Until then we had no concept of ‘god’ and deifying people.

SET had two offspring branches, the El(oheim) which the Babylonians called Demons and where ‘illu/illi and illumi’ and “Lilith’s Shining Ones” because their skins can emit light. They enter on the 33rd degree line, into this domain. 

And it is the Annunaki Owl which are the Sumerian Moloch – “Isis, Queen of the Moloch”; and their primary food source is children. Which is why “Lilith eats Children”. “A.D.” is Latin “Ann-O Domini” and means “Annunaki Owl Domination” of Earth. The Annunaki Council of 7 is the “Luciferian Council of 7″ and the El Council of 9 is the “Archangel Michael Council of 9.” The El created the Ba-El and the Nephilheim. The Ba-el were the overseers that originally collected the human sacrifice of children for the Moloch.

During my search for Rose's commentary, I was unable to really read any of it until I was satisfied I had done as an extensive search as possible, albeit, with the limited resources accessible to all on the Internet.

When I started reading the information just shared above, my mind exploded.  If you are like me, the occult, esoteric, and otherwise "hidden" knowledge has been an interesting topic of research.  The exciting thing for me was piecing together the mosaic left by Rose. Many posts from Rose contain very similar, if not exact wording to describe things as they are (not how we see them).

Slowly and carefully though, she appears to be giving more and more information throughout her posts.  It may be only a line here or a word there, but I found her additions to otherwise redundant information to be very precise and poignant.

If one were to read my file on Rose, seventy percent of it is repetitious.  That leaves only a small fraction (thirty percent) of the content I've been able to find ripe with a cascade of various other critical observations from Rose.

Where is this all leading?  Tomorrow's post will deal directly with what Rose suggests is on the Event Horizon for our planet and Mankind, as well as the enemies of Mankind; the El and Moloch.

I will also reveal what Rose has shared about the Farther of the Branch of Mankind (ONE) and the very real battle for human souls (Division of the Families) that may be a lot closer than we think.


  1. Thank You Jordan for taking the time to piece this together. This info is for integration and it is a process as we clear out all the lies and disinformation spoon fed to us. See ya tomorrow!

  2. I think that Set is also the god Aten. The Aten commandement was mispelled as the 10 commendements. Set-Aten=Satan. Biblical Joshua is christopher colombus if I dont mistake myself. Joshua the son of Nun aka the Son of tutankamun. Now the question is who is Akhenaton the phoroh ho worship nly the gd Aten.
