Thursday, September 27, 2012

Drake: Is He Pro Zionist?

In regards to this article:

In light of the current Christ Vs Mohammed (PBUH) meme that has overtaken our media, our minds, and our morals, I must honestly question Drake's posting of such Pro Israel (Zionist Regime) rhetoric.

Much of this article echoes the same filth that Bibi Netanyahu is unloading. It reeks of anti Iranian propaganda.

I know that this group has shown interest in the Keshe Foundation.

Mehran Keshe is Iranian. Why in the world would Drake stand in opposition to Iran in this late hour?

We all know Drake isn't a huge fan of Obama. Can't say that I am at this point, but he has taken a hard stance against Israel (Zionist Regime). So has General Dempsey. On the GLOBAL stage no less!

While I am uncertain of Obama (and Drake's) intentions as they share their respective spotlights, I am certain of my intentions and my focus.

I seek Peace, Love, Harmony, Equality, Liberty, Forgiveness, and Freedom. (Note: Justice is missing from the list)

We have all been infected with the virus of Ego. Awareness of this is the first step in healing the affliction.

While I am loathe to point a finger, it is clear that a certain belief structure is the major crux of the Grand Illusion we call Reality.

Iran and the Muslim nation is NOT our enemy. Fear, Hate, Bigotry, and Pride are thought forms that must be fought against. The war should be directed at ideas, not nations full of people.

I question Drake's motives at this hour, in light of the linked article.


  1. Many have a problem with reading...
    Everyone needs to know what the enemies of humanity are up to.
    Thus the posted article.
    Anything offering any measure of controls over riding freedom of will, are not good.
    This does need to be pointed out as you have done here, and I agree.
    I do NOT support those of the present 'ruling' powers.
    I do NOT stand opposed to Iran.
    I DO stand opposed to those intent on furthering their agenda of destruction and their 'controllers'...
    Nuclear energy and nuclear bombs have nothing to do with this situation.
    Free energy does, and is what Iran has been doing.
    The oil industry takes issue with those who mess with their money maker...
    Thus we have a false flag situation brewing.
    I hope some of my posting will wake people up to these facts, AND, that these efforts can be stopped.
    Thank you,

    1. I appreciate your clarification in regards to my question.

      Furthermore, I respect the time you have taken to answer.

      You are carrying a mighty bright torch. Keep it bright.

      In Light,

      - JBiZ!

  2. JBIZ... are you wussing out so easily? Geez, this Drake stated with his own voice he has Jewish Rabbi cousins in his immediate family. Helloooo? There are many other indicators Drake is just being used by 'The Plan' and is a stooge.
    Here are a couple links you may want to familiarize yourself with from other sites:

    Harold Rosenthal (interview)was explosive and confirmed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

  3. Anonymous -

    I was banned from A Global Voice for posting this blog on their FB page.

    Am I giving up? Not a chance!

    I am regrouping and refocusing my efforts though. I will definitely be digesting what you've shared.

    I tend to take folks at their word since, my integrity has yet to wane. Perhaps this is my downfall...

    At an rate, I appreciate the comment and no, I do not intend to roll over just yet.
