Things to Consider
First off, this link:
Gordon Duff - Veterans Today
While I have the utmost respect for Duff and his contributions, I must run with this story in a direction that I am compelled, albeit, intuitively.
I'll be drawing on a few stories that have come to life in Internetdom over the course of it's existence so, a search should yield a wide variety of said tales that I will now partially reference.
In no particular order, Alien Takeover/Hoax/False Flag; numerous asteroid impact tales including a few notable Hollywood iterations; Agenda 21/Global Genocide/Illuminati/NWO et al; Space Weapons Bill.
Following My Nose
And I'm not saying I have a great sniffer, but, intuitively, I feel as though Duff is either knowingly and in compliance with, or unknowingly and the stooge of, a plot to preemptively create a cover story for a future event in Africa.
The cover story? Well reader, the asteroid of course!
An asteroid impact was documented and some of those details are found in the article from Duff, linked above. Are there possibly Space Weapons in place already? Could a cover story involving an asteroid impact in Africa actually be a planned Space Weapon attack on that continent by a nefarious group? Furthermore, since data exists that details a previous event that is said to have been an asteroid impact, could an almost identical effect be replicated using Black Technology, then spun as an asteroid impact?
No Informants
At least not of the terrestrial persuasion. I must say truthfully that this thought came to me immediately upon reading the article. I read VT daily and enjoy what Gordon Duff has had the balls to do and say. If anything, it is his style of writing and the information he discloses that has me questioning him in this article.
This is my intuited-through-suspicion perspective, if you will.
As far as I know, none of us alive today have lived through an asteroid impact. The vast majority of us wouldn't know how to track and follow such celestial bodies, even with the best equipment on the planet. Billions of humans would be dumbfounded, should such an event ever occur, the moment of impact, or possibly as the object entered our atmosphere.
Why am I mentioning all of this? Because Gordon Duff is mentioning it. He has also held suspicious objections to information, opinions, and accepted science. At this hour, I do the same and hold suspicious objections.
So, I would venture to say about 1 - 2 percent of the population would have knowledge of this possible catastrophe. Why disclose the info now, a few short months away? Is the event set in stone? Will Africa suffer some type of catastrophic calamity in February? Will it be an asteroid impact, or something far more sinister?
Wait and See
I'll see if Suspicious0bserver from YouTube will lend his expertise to my intuition.
In the meantime, should something HUGE happen in Africa in February that is called an asteroid impact, I won't be able to subdue my current suspicions.
God, Knowledge, and pursuits of Truth. Join me in the ever shifting sands and ever changing tides of Internet information.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
School Is In Session
Wisdom Applied
This Friday, December 21, 2012, while some are scratching their heads wondering why we are still here, and as others are perplexed as to why we are not here, I'll be making my initial down payment here:
Dub Academy of Austin
At 32 years of age, I may be a bit past my prime for the performing arts, but my passion for music drives a hunger that needs to be sated. I am happy to contribute to my local community through active involvement in pursuits of passion.
Perfect Timing
To magnify intent, I have chosen to mark this upcoming astrological event with my actions. The impact of harmonious timing should manifest a magnificent milestone in my experience.
Now, I am by no means a master of numerology or an occult initiate. I do understand enough to either get myself in trouble, or at least attempt to align myself, for a change, with something much greater than me. My involvement in this community element; my financial contribution to this aspect of society; my passion associated with this communally shared experience is what I can offer. So I shall.
Death and Rebirth in Winter
Classes start February. My readers (to the few that have given me a little over 1,200 views to date, cheers!) can expect a new element to accompany my posts. I will be adding video and musical aspects for consumption. Digital media is an amazing way to share ideas, concepts, beliefs and passions. My anticipation is to partner with some amazing individuals in their respected fields here in Austin over a radically benevolent archive of Internet News, Views & Events, or INVE.
Many musical contributions will be performed by yours truly, and will be available for FREE download at my future site. I am hoping to have some amazing guests feature their talents and skills and, where possible, have their performance pieces or original tracks available for FREE download as well.
Video segments will be contributed, in part, by a wonderful cohort of mine, who will be introduced at a later date.
2013 or Year 0001?
Whatever you decide is very important. I choose the latter. For me, it signifies a new direction in my life. The next phase of my life is to apply the understanding I've attained. Personification of Values, if you will. If not for my own sake, then certainly for the sake of my son and his mother...and Ember, our puppy... (and I only mention Ember because Dani, Jericho's mother, would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't...brrrmp, Jewfo)
The significance of this culminating in my 33rd year could not be more significant! (and the use of the variants of signify is certainly on purpose, with intent)
I may never get initiated into the Sacred Schools of Egypt formally, but my own life does reflect those esoteric tales of yore. Awareness of this has led me to Austin, to Dub Academy, to my Future. I embrace the death to come, and the rebirth that follows.
- JBiZ!
This Friday, December 21, 2012, while some are scratching their heads wondering why we are still here, and as others are perplexed as to why we are not here, I'll be making my initial down payment here:
Dub Academy of Austin
At 32 years of age, I may be a bit past my prime for the performing arts, but my passion for music drives a hunger that needs to be sated. I am happy to contribute to my local community through active involvement in pursuits of passion.
Perfect Timing
To magnify intent, I have chosen to mark this upcoming astrological event with my actions. The impact of harmonious timing should manifest a magnificent milestone in my experience.
Now, I am by no means a master of numerology or an occult initiate. I do understand enough to either get myself in trouble, or at least attempt to align myself, for a change, with something much greater than me. My involvement in this community element; my financial contribution to this aspect of society; my passion associated with this communally shared experience is what I can offer. So I shall.
Death and Rebirth in Winter
Classes start February. My readers (to the few that have given me a little over 1,200 views to date, cheers!) can expect a new element to accompany my posts. I will be adding video and musical aspects for consumption. Digital media is an amazing way to share ideas, concepts, beliefs and passions. My anticipation is to partner with some amazing individuals in their respected fields here in Austin over a radically benevolent archive of Internet News, Views & Events, or INVE.
Many musical contributions will be performed by yours truly, and will be available for FREE download at my future site. I am hoping to have some amazing guests feature their talents and skills and, where possible, have their performance pieces or original tracks available for FREE download as well.
Video segments will be contributed, in part, by a wonderful cohort of mine, who will be introduced at a later date.
2013 or Year 0001?
Whatever you decide is very important. I choose the latter. For me, it signifies a new direction in my life. The next phase of my life is to apply the understanding I've attained. Personification of Values, if you will. If not for my own sake, then certainly for the sake of my son and his mother...and Ember, our puppy... (and I only mention Ember because Dani, Jericho's mother, would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't...brrrmp, Jewfo)
The significance of this culminating in my 33rd year could not be more significant! (and the use of the variants of signify is certainly on purpose, with intent)
I may never get initiated into the Sacred Schools of Egypt formally, but my own life does reflect those esoteric tales of yore. Awareness of this has led me to Austin, to Dub Academy, to my Future. I embrace the death to come, and the rebirth that follows.
- JBiZ!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Marketing the Holidays
The Most Advertised Time of the Year
It is that time of year again. Commercial ads and sales galore! All dollars earned must be spent on frivolous fabrications of the leviathan, also known as the manufacturing sector. Stacking deep and selling cheap deals can be found alongside scams and other snake oil peddling pontification. Black Thursday has been indefinitely extended. Buy... Buy... BUY!
Quite frankly, I'm not buying it. Now, that is not to say that I never purchase anything. I am, however, more conscious of whom I purchase from. I must admit, living in a place like Austin, Texas makes it easy. I have stayed away from Wal-Mart for years now. Living in ATX makes finding local alternatives to big box options a breeze. Not really my point for this blog entry, but a nice aside that bolsters my greater train of thought.
What Have We Strayed From?
Found this little Internet gem:
Origins of Christmas
For someone like me, information such as this is nothing new, but still appreciated when I stumble upon it. Humanity has danced away from past tradition and ritual as we always have and will continue to do. Our current step is off balance, out of sync, and in disharmony with the beautiful music echoing throughout space. Abundance is the tune that resounds. Freedom is the melody punctuating the tune. Love, Kindness, and Respect are the instruments comprising the melody. I cannot wait to be a part of this Cosmic Fugue (Carl Sagan).
Speaking of Sagan, a birdie whistled to me one summer afternoon that Mr. Sagan may have been Majestic... as in Twelve. Not only that, but Carl Sagan was said to have held a vastly different opinion of life outside of Earth prior to a possible incident that changed his perspective forever. I wonder if Mrs. Sagan holds answers to such mutterings..?
Why Not Create a Different Society?
We are smart creatures, right? Why are we so unable to create a mutually equitable societal system for the entire planet? Why are we instead taught to compete? If you do not believe that Western Society is predicated on and almost always personified by competition, hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.
For those interested in my point, we are taught competition at home as children, in schools as children, in colleges as adults, in the workplace as employees, and in the sacred texts of all denominations. Why is that? If you need examples, think of sibling rivalry. There is even a tag for this explicit type of familial competition. Later it is the pressures of competing for grades in both high school and college, all for the sake of competing in the job market. On the news, religious and national competitions manifest as wars and genocides, usually visited by the stronger unto the weaker. Resources and land being more valuable than human life you see...
Some of you may be thinking that my argument is invalid since the types of competition mentioned are not taught outright, intentionally, or with malice as the aim. Perhaps. However, who constructed our current society and has it really changed at all since its inception?
Sure, technology has improved over the generations, hell, over the past few weeks in certain fields religiously. But those creating the technology are actually just competing for profit margins and bottom lines, right? No one is actually manufacturing anything sustainable, renewable, or equitable for society at large, are they? I do not mean to paint with wide brushstrokes, but if even a fraction of the current capitalist system pursued a benevolent societal transformation, built on the values mentioned above in reference to the Cosmic Fugue, wouldn't we be there already?
The Resistance
If the entirety of the population of our planet, all 7 billion, could live harmonious lives in tandem with peace, prosperity, and abundance for all, who would resist such a Utopia? We have the means to make this possible.
Open Source Ecology
Keshe Foundation
The Venus Project
Above are just a few links to sites that, if viewed with an open mind and loving heart, provide plausible possibilities for Humanity's future. Our individual and collective psyches will play an important role in shaping our adaptability when it comes to transitioning from our old, competitive paradigm into a new, mutually equitable scenario.
We have been taught, almost bred to fight for everything we have as humans. Who this initially was taught by may never fully be known. Regardless, what has been learned can be unlearned. What has been bred in can be bred out. Awareness and recognition of our current state is the foundation on which benevolent change can manifest for Humanity. Few are beginning to see. Most never will. Until the few become the majority though, the status quo will Ho Ho Ho HOE out the Holidays, pushing the soulless values upheld by the current capitalistic consumerism over the soulful yearnings of Love, Kindness, Respect, Freedom and Abundance for All.
- JBiZ!
It is that time of year again. Commercial ads and sales galore! All dollars earned must be spent on frivolous fabrications of the leviathan, also known as the manufacturing sector. Stacking deep and selling cheap deals can be found alongside scams and other snake oil peddling pontification. Black Thursday has been indefinitely extended. Buy... Buy... BUY!
Quite frankly, I'm not buying it. Now, that is not to say that I never purchase anything. I am, however, more conscious of whom I purchase from. I must admit, living in a place like Austin, Texas makes it easy. I have stayed away from Wal-Mart for years now. Living in ATX makes finding local alternatives to big box options a breeze. Not really my point for this blog entry, but a nice aside that bolsters my greater train of thought.
What Have We Strayed From?
Found this little Internet gem:
Origins of Christmas
For someone like me, information such as this is nothing new, but still appreciated when I stumble upon it. Humanity has danced away from past tradition and ritual as we always have and will continue to do. Our current step is off balance, out of sync, and in disharmony with the beautiful music echoing throughout space. Abundance is the tune that resounds. Freedom is the melody punctuating the tune. Love, Kindness, and Respect are the instruments comprising the melody. I cannot wait to be a part of this Cosmic Fugue (Carl Sagan).
Speaking of Sagan, a birdie whistled to me one summer afternoon that Mr. Sagan may have been Majestic... as in Twelve. Not only that, but Carl Sagan was said to have held a vastly different opinion of life outside of Earth prior to a possible incident that changed his perspective forever. I wonder if Mrs. Sagan holds answers to such mutterings..?
Why Not Create a Different Society?
We are smart creatures, right? Why are we so unable to create a mutually equitable societal system for the entire planet? Why are we instead taught to compete? If you do not believe that Western Society is predicated on and almost always personified by competition, hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.
For those interested in my point, we are taught competition at home as children, in schools as children, in colleges as adults, in the workplace as employees, and in the sacred texts of all denominations. Why is that? If you need examples, think of sibling rivalry. There is even a tag for this explicit type of familial competition. Later it is the pressures of competing for grades in both high school and college, all for the sake of competing in the job market. On the news, religious and national competitions manifest as wars and genocides, usually visited by the stronger unto the weaker. Resources and land being more valuable than human life you see...
Some of you may be thinking that my argument is invalid since the types of competition mentioned are not taught outright, intentionally, or with malice as the aim. Perhaps. However, who constructed our current society and has it really changed at all since its inception?
Sure, technology has improved over the generations, hell, over the past few weeks in certain fields religiously. But those creating the technology are actually just competing for profit margins and bottom lines, right? No one is actually manufacturing anything sustainable, renewable, or equitable for society at large, are they? I do not mean to paint with wide brushstrokes, but if even a fraction of the current capitalist system pursued a benevolent societal transformation, built on the values mentioned above in reference to the Cosmic Fugue, wouldn't we be there already?
The Resistance
If the entirety of the population of our planet, all 7 billion, could live harmonious lives in tandem with peace, prosperity, and abundance for all, who would resist such a Utopia? We have the means to make this possible.
Open Source Ecology
Keshe Foundation
The Venus Project
Above are just a few links to sites that, if viewed with an open mind and loving heart, provide plausible possibilities for Humanity's future. Our individual and collective psyches will play an important role in shaping our adaptability when it comes to transitioning from our old, competitive paradigm into a new, mutually equitable scenario.
We have been taught, almost bred to fight for everything we have as humans. Who this initially was taught by may never fully be known. Regardless, what has been learned can be unlearned. What has been bred in can be bred out. Awareness and recognition of our current state is the foundation on which benevolent change can manifest for Humanity. Few are beginning to see. Most never will. Until the few become the majority though, the status quo will Ho Ho Ho HOE out the Holidays, pushing the soulless values upheld by the current capitalistic consumerism over the soulful yearnings of Love, Kindness, Respect, Freedom and Abundance for All.
- JBiZ!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
To Vote Or Not To Vote
Some Have A Choice
Others, like me, who find themselves with a felonious record of long ago, are denied a political voice. Forget the facts that I hold a full time job, pay taxes, and raise a family. In an economy where qualified veterans cannot find decent work, I consider myself fortunate for sure, however, would my voice really matter?
To be quite honest, I really do not believe so. Therefore, the fact that I do not vote due to an ancient and poor decision resulting in a criminal record, matters little.
Furthermore, I believe that if truly benevolent men were leading our country, folks like me may be granted a second chance, now that variables in the equation of my life have changed. Now THAT'S true change. Not that Hope for Change crap that passes. Not that he didn't try.
Gordon Duff of Veterans Today
After reading that article, I am thankful that Patriots like Duff have been exercising their choice in such ways. In these matters , voices are of little import. I find the honor in such men of action to be commendable. The forked tongue of political devils and banker demons have long polluted the thoughts, minds, and hearts of Man. I welcome such change.
It certainly feels as if A Brave New World lay before us. One of Honesty and Integrity. One of Dignity and Honor. One of Truth, Justice, Respect and Brotherly Love.
If my voice DOES matter, then the Values mentioned above have my vote. Besides, as I learn to model myself as a man of action, if for no others sake than that of my son's, then I feel confident that I am at least ahead of those that see a corrupt system, yet still feel that their vote, their voice, somehow matters when men and women like Gordon Duff and Gwyneth Todd take oaths, and by their actions, keep their word.
My Actions Are Heard
As we move to clean up Washington, let us not forget those who have recovered from ill choice. If we truly seek change, let our actions bear witness. In this light, I have proven my ability to transform myself through action. When an American political system that proves its integrity exists, men like me will be forgiven of their sin and given their voice back. Until then, have fun at the polls! I got beats to make...
A taste of THAT to come in future posts.
Others, like me, who find themselves with a felonious record of long ago, are denied a political voice. Forget the facts that I hold a full time job, pay taxes, and raise a family. In an economy where qualified veterans cannot find decent work, I consider myself fortunate for sure, however, would my voice really matter?
To be quite honest, I really do not believe so. Therefore, the fact that I do not vote due to an ancient and poor decision resulting in a criminal record, matters little.
Furthermore, I believe that if truly benevolent men were leading our country, folks like me may be granted a second chance, now that variables in the equation of my life have changed. Now THAT'S true change. Not that Hope for Change crap that passes. Not that he didn't try.
Gordon Duff of Veterans Today
After reading that article, I am thankful that Patriots like Duff have been exercising their choice in such ways. In these matters , voices are of little import. I find the honor in such men of action to be commendable. The forked tongue of political devils and banker demons have long polluted the thoughts, minds, and hearts of Man. I welcome such change.
It certainly feels as if A Brave New World lay before us. One of Honesty and Integrity. One of Dignity and Honor. One of Truth, Justice, Respect and Brotherly Love.
If my voice DOES matter, then the Values mentioned above have my vote. Besides, as I learn to model myself as a man of action, if for no others sake than that of my son's, then I feel confident that I am at least ahead of those that see a corrupt system, yet still feel that their vote, their voice, somehow matters when men and women like Gordon Duff and Gwyneth Todd take oaths, and by their actions, keep their word.
My Actions Are Heard
As we move to clean up Washington, let us not forget those who have recovered from ill choice. If we truly seek change, let our actions bear witness. In this light, I have proven my ability to transform myself through action. When an American political system that proves its integrity exists, men like me will be forgiven of their sin and given their voice back. Until then, have fun at the polls! I got beats to make...
A taste of THAT to come in future posts.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Hurricane Sandy Proves American Infrastructure Antiquated & Obsolete
Over 100 Years Ago...
The name Nikola Tesla should be mentioned in the same breath as the likes of Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell, and Albert Einstein, if not the breath before. For whatever reason though, be it through the absurd forgetting of this great man and his life's work by his peers and fellow humans over the course of time, or by a more sinister, conspiratorial ploy to erase his contributions to humanity through covert subversion, there is nary a fuss over this man and the potentials he believed humanity possible.
A Perfect Storm
The topic of discussion for most Americans today is, not the Presidential Elections, but Hurricane Sandy. A simple Google Search for Hurricane Sandy photos will reveal the extent to which this storm has wrecked havoc on the east coast. But what does this have to do with Tesla?
For those that are unaware, of no fault of your own in accordance with my beliefs mind you, Nikola Tesla was working toward a wireless (as in NO WIRES) electricity grid over 100 years ago. Some historians and researchers are convinced that he did achieve the lofty feat, but once JP Morgan & Co, (the outfit funding the research) caught wind of Tesla's success, the Morgan conglomerate ceased distribution of funds. Perhaps JP Morgan, who stood to make millions in copper sales if a contract for a wired electrical grid was realized, reasoned Tesla's project an apt nemesis in regards to his financial future.
Tesla's laboratory was destroyed and his research "lost" to the annals of history. Or were they?
Human Suffering = Financial Success
If Tesla did actually succeed in creating a wireless electricity grid, would that system not pose a viable solution to the current outages on the east coast?
I'm no expert on "Free Energy Technology", but I have been able to perceive a certain financial-gain-at-the-expense-of-human-wellness initiative prevalent in the soulless corporate sector of our global society. Profit at all costs, right? If body bags are needed to meet the bottom line, so be it.
It is this greed driven, profit hungry corporate profile that seeks short term gains over long term solutions. Real solutions to real problems are actually counterproductive. Fake problems and fake solutions, coupled with real problems and their accompanying battery of fake solutions, all offered by a small network of the world's financial elite, keeps humanity stagnant and the elite wealthy.
We've had cars, planes and electricity for over 100 years. Computers give us the calculating capacity to test new feats of engineering in virtual environments, but the farthest we've come since the late 1800's, publicly at least, is using a fancy plane to put a fancy car on a neighboring planet.
Talk to some old timers from the early 1900's in America, if you can find any. Some are still around. Hell, you can even find archives of publications from the 20's and 30's telling tales of flying cars and trips to the Moon. What happened!? Where did the grand build out of space exploration go? Why isn't every man, woman, and child involved in the exploration of the Universe? As long as money limits the imagination, creativity will atrophy.
A Choice
When Sandy is finished sacking the east coast, and when Americans come together to rebuild cities like New York, maybe we should consider leaving Wall Street for another day. Perhaps we should consider long term, real solutions to real problems that our species faces. Capitalism has proven its lack of humanity. It is a lot easier to count those familiar green faces adorning our coveted dollars representing wealth than it is to count the countless suffering faces, not looking for a bailout, but looking for some goddamned sympathy.
Heed this warning. Be leery of costly "solutions" in the wake of natural disasters offered by corporations and governments. Anyone who seeks financial gain at this hour probably has scales instead of skin.
The name Nikola Tesla should be mentioned in the same breath as the likes of Thomas Edison, Alexander Bell, and Albert Einstein, if not the breath before. For whatever reason though, be it through the absurd forgetting of this great man and his life's work by his peers and fellow humans over the course of time, or by a more sinister, conspiratorial ploy to erase his contributions to humanity through covert subversion, there is nary a fuss over this man and the potentials he believed humanity possible.
A Perfect Storm
The topic of discussion for most Americans today is, not the Presidential Elections, but Hurricane Sandy. A simple Google Search for Hurricane Sandy photos will reveal the extent to which this storm has wrecked havoc on the east coast. But what does this have to do with Tesla?
For those that are unaware, of no fault of your own in accordance with my beliefs mind you, Nikola Tesla was working toward a wireless (as in NO WIRES) electricity grid over 100 years ago. Some historians and researchers are convinced that he did achieve the lofty feat, but once JP Morgan & Co, (the outfit funding the research) caught wind of Tesla's success, the Morgan conglomerate ceased distribution of funds. Perhaps JP Morgan, who stood to make millions in copper sales if a contract for a wired electrical grid was realized, reasoned Tesla's project an apt nemesis in regards to his financial future.
Tesla's laboratory was destroyed and his research "lost" to the annals of history. Or were they?
Human Suffering = Financial Success
If Tesla did actually succeed in creating a wireless electricity grid, would that system not pose a viable solution to the current outages on the east coast?
I'm no expert on "Free Energy Technology", but I have been able to perceive a certain financial-gain-at-the-expense-of-human-wellness initiative prevalent in the soulless corporate sector of our global society. Profit at all costs, right? If body bags are needed to meet the bottom line, so be it.
It is this greed driven, profit hungry corporate profile that seeks short term gains over long term solutions. Real solutions to real problems are actually counterproductive. Fake problems and fake solutions, coupled with real problems and their accompanying battery of fake solutions, all offered by a small network of the world's financial elite, keeps humanity stagnant and the elite wealthy.
We've had cars, planes and electricity for over 100 years. Computers give us the calculating capacity to test new feats of engineering in virtual environments, but the farthest we've come since the late 1800's, publicly at least, is using a fancy plane to put a fancy car on a neighboring planet.
Talk to some old timers from the early 1900's in America, if you can find any. Some are still around. Hell, you can even find archives of publications from the 20's and 30's telling tales of flying cars and trips to the Moon. What happened!? Where did the grand build out of space exploration go? Why isn't every man, woman, and child involved in the exploration of the Universe? As long as money limits the imagination, creativity will atrophy.
A Choice
When Sandy is finished sacking the east coast, and when Americans come together to rebuild cities like New York, maybe we should consider leaving Wall Street for another day. Perhaps we should consider long term, real solutions to real problems that our species faces. Capitalism has proven its lack of humanity. It is a lot easier to count those familiar green faces adorning our coveted dollars representing wealth than it is to count the countless suffering faces, not looking for a bailout, but looking for some goddamned sympathy.
Heed this warning. Be leery of costly "solutions" in the wake of natural disasters offered by corporations and governments. Anyone who seeks financial gain at this hour probably has scales instead of skin.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
New Routine
Day 1
Sobriety has it's perks. A new routine was a heavy asset upon my initial walk of the ole "straight and narrow." With my 5 month old son, I am eager to embrace a more grounded, familial routine.
A heavy dose of music through classical guitar and Maschine practice will be a much needed and welcomed daily fixture of my new (again) found soberness. Perhaps daily blog entries as well...
A move at the end of the month will effectively capitalize this choice, bolstering the decision to cease and desist drinking.
Looking down the road in sobriety is not recommended. Looking at Today is suggested.
I took a good, hard second look at drinking. I have known this day would come. Happy Birthday, Mom.
Sobriety has it's perks. A new routine was a heavy asset upon my initial walk of the ole "straight and narrow." With my 5 month old son, I am eager to embrace a more grounded, familial routine.
A heavy dose of music through classical guitar and Maschine practice will be a much needed and welcomed daily fixture of my new (again) found soberness. Perhaps daily blog entries as well...
A move at the end of the month will effectively capitalize this choice, bolstering the decision to cease and desist drinking.
Looking down the road in sobriety is not recommended. Looking at Today is suggested.
I took a good, hard second look at drinking. I have known this day would come. Happy Birthday, Mom.
Confronting the Beast
It is done.
I had to tie a mighty hefty one on to do it, but the words have been said; the line in the sand drawn.
I have known for several years of a number of Masons in and among my family. Ring Wearers in some cases, less active in others... perhaps. Who knows, right?
The gauntlet has been laid, so to speak, though. I can readily justify my claims, but for the sake of brevity I choose to leave things brief for now, and later, as extensive as possible as matters from my initial action arise.
The Facts
- A "lien" has been placed on certain members of my family. These particular members do not appear to be of the more negative persuasion of the Masonic Order, but part of it I am quite sure none the less, myself included to some degree I suppose. It is a birthright, no?
-- I want truth and answers from the more senior members involved with the Masonic Order that I can indirectly touch through my familial ties.
-- If a string of "bad luck" should befall me, it stands to reason that my pursuit of truth, in this fashion, is the vehicle in which justifiability of action will be found in the cases of those opposed to my course.
-- Certain "assets" of mine have been leveraged in a maneuver with the intent of bringing about a peaceful stirring within the rank and file of The Order, as I perceive it's workings in my family.
Cryptic Apologies
As there is no loss of love, truly, for the members of my family that find themselves now Instruments of Truth in my, and subsequently OUR "awakening(s)," I find it unnecessary to divulge all aspects and facts concerning the who, where, and when of this process.
Apologies in advance for deployment of metaphor, simile, and other cryptic functions of language.
Out of Vices
It would be obtuse of me to drop the hammer, so to speak, and not walk my own talk. As I confront the beast externally, I must also confront the beast within. Self reflection does not escape me, and I myself am out of excuses, as it were, concerning my defense of behaviors that are, for all intent and purpose, indefensible.
I am no stranger to sober living, and as an exclamation point attached to my recent banner waving, I will now revisit that lifestyle. If I demand truth and change, I must also be that which I seek, or at least, act as if, in hopes that true change will follow. Indeed it often does.
Loose Specifics
The emotional reverberation of last night's discourse is no doubt working it's way into the fabric of shared reality this morning.
I have been at wits end trying to decipher the truth concerning the Masonic Order, as well as a litany of other truth seekers and light workers across the globe. Action has been taken on my behalf.
With choice, there is consequence. The choice I made last eve was not one that I particularly enjoyed making, but I can no longer stand by and provide access to my life to those who would stand in the way of my pursuit of clarity, honesty, and truth.
In my opinion, one is either pursuing or obstructing the pursuit of truth. I have questions. I want answers. I'll share the results as/if they come in.
In the meantime, I'm "on the wagon" and am eager to reclaim my light as I let go of my own chains.
I had to tie a mighty hefty one on to do it, but the words have been said; the line in the sand drawn.
I have known for several years of a number of Masons in and among my family. Ring Wearers in some cases, less active in others... perhaps. Who knows, right?
The gauntlet has been laid, so to speak, though. I can readily justify my claims, but for the sake of brevity I choose to leave things brief for now, and later, as extensive as possible as matters from my initial action arise.
The Facts
- A "lien" has been placed on certain members of my family. These particular members do not appear to be of the more negative persuasion of the Masonic Order, but part of it I am quite sure none the less, myself included to some degree I suppose. It is a birthright, no?
-- I want truth and answers from the more senior members involved with the Masonic Order that I can indirectly touch through my familial ties.
-- If a string of "bad luck" should befall me, it stands to reason that my pursuit of truth, in this fashion, is the vehicle in which justifiability of action will be found in the cases of those opposed to my course.
-- Certain "assets" of mine have been leveraged in a maneuver with the intent of bringing about a peaceful stirring within the rank and file of The Order, as I perceive it's workings in my family.
Cryptic Apologies
As there is no loss of love, truly, for the members of my family that find themselves now Instruments of Truth in my, and subsequently OUR "awakening(s)," I find it unnecessary to divulge all aspects and facts concerning the who, where, and when of this process.
Apologies in advance for deployment of metaphor, simile, and other cryptic functions of language.
Out of Vices
It would be obtuse of me to drop the hammer, so to speak, and not walk my own talk. As I confront the beast externally, I must also confront the beast within. Self reflection does not escape me, and I myself am out of excuses, as it were, concerning my defense of behaviors that are, for all intent and purpose, indefensible.
I am no stranger to sober living, and as an exclamation point attached to my recent banner waving, I will now revisit that lifestyle. If I demand truth and change, I must also be that which I seek, or at least, act as if, in hopes that true change will follow. Indeed it often does.
Loose Specifics
The emotional reverberation of last night's discourse is no doubt working it's way into the fabric of shared reality this morning.
I have been at wits end trying to decipher the truth concerning the Masonic Order, as well as a litany of other truth seekers and light workers across the globe. Action has been taken on my behalf.
With choice, there is consequence. The choice I made last eve was not one that I particularly enjoyed making, but I can no longer stand by and provide access to my life to those who would stand in the way of my pursuit of clarity, honesty, and truth.
In my opinion, one is either pursuing or obstructing the pursuit of truth. I have questions. I want answers. I'll share the results as/if they come in.
In the meantime, I'm "on the wagon" and am eager to reclaim my light as I let go of my own chains.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Open Letter to the 2012 Presidential Candidates
First, I would like to extend a gesture of kindness to both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. While I do not pretend to support either the Republican or Democratic Parties' platforms, at this hour, mutual respect does not escape me.
Gentlemen, a Brave New World is within Man's grasp. I question not how you both rose to power, but rather, how you both intend to use that power for, not only America's future, but the future of our shared Mother, Earth/Terra/Gaia.
I have chosen to filter a vast spectrum of information found on the Internet. I am certain you both are aware of how this medium of media has painted you. I have your collective rhetoric and actions to gauge the burden of truth by. At this juncture, you both bode very poorly.
I can qualify my current assessment based partially on last night's debate. How disconnected are you two? Americans do not want jobs. Not in the traditional sense. We want purpose. You know, that something that our controlling governments and banking institutions worldwide have systematically stripped from Humanity, along with our creativity, honor, intellect and spirit. It is as if we have been duped into yielding our power to a foreign entity that does not have Humanity's best interests in mind.
The droning talking points you both echoed during the debate are from an obsolete ideology shortly approaching it's... time, so to speak. The writing is on the wall and inundating the Internet. Man shall know Peace at last.
But where does that leave the two of you and your ilk?
We need a leader who is unafraid to represent us Americans for who we truly are. The giants, those forefathers whose shoulders we have been standing on, must cringe with where we have steered our ship of state since its inception.
You speak about healthcare and jobs and taxes and the economy...
But as I mentioned, these things do not interest Mankind anymore. As much as the controlling factions of Earth/Terra/Gaia try and keep an oppressive fist in the face of Humanity, Man is awakening.
The two of you, however, appear to be under the same old "spell". The illusion that men still need leaders such as yourselves.
You both must be aware of Keshe, Tesla, Fresco, and a multitude of other men and women who are discussing topics concerning "Free" Energy, Vertical Farming, Sustainable Cities, etc.
Knowing what the American Public knows, through the interconnectedness that the Internet has allowed, how can the two of you stand before a Live (I actually think it was prerecorded) audience and blather on about jobs, the economy, and healthcare in the old "Dog Eat Dog" paradigm?
Last I checked, Dog was Man's best friend and, with all due respect, you both must view yourselves, your ilk, and Humanity as dogs. The way you insist upon We the People subscribing to a society of competition in the face of GLOBAL ABUNDANCE is beyond even the slow to grasp.
It never ceases to amaze me how low one is able to stoop. In case you did not get the memo, Mankind embodies amazing aspects of character and deep rooted values that stand unwavering before the likes of you both. We the People know more of the Truth than you would lend us credit for.
Speaking of credit, you both have severely overdrawn the accounts of Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Morality...
I could go on, but at this moment, the message should be clear. Quit wasting our time with echoes from yesterday. Either lead us bravely into the truth of tomorrow, or let us lead ourselves there together, hand in hand.
Honorably Yours,
Gentlemen, a Brave New World is within Man's grasp. I question not how you both rose to power, but rather, how you both intend to use that power for, not only America's future, but the future of our shared Mother, Earth/Terra/Gaia.
I have chosen to filter a vast spectrum of information found on the Internet. I am certain you both are aware of how this medium of media has painted you. I have your collective rhetoric and actions to gauge the burden of truth by. At this juncture, you both bode very poorly.
I can qualify my current assessment based partially on last night's debate. How disconnected are you two? Americans do not want jobs. Not in the traditional sense. We want purpose. You know, that something that our controlling governments and banking institutions worldwide have systematically stripped from Humanity, along with our creativity, honor, intellect and spirit. It is as if we have been duped into yielding our power to a foreign entity that does not have Humanity's best interests in mind.
The droning talking points you both echoed during the debate are from an obsolete ideology shortly approaching it's... time, so to speak. The writing is on the wall and inundating the Internet. Man shall know Peace at last.
But where does that leave the two of you and your ilk?
We need a leader who is unafraid to represent us Americans for who we truly are. The giants, those forefathers whose shoulders we have been standing on, must cringe with where we have steered our ship of state since its inception.
You speak about healthcare and jobs and taxes and the economy...
But as I mentioned, these things do not interest Mankind anymore. As much as the controlling factions of Earth/Terra/Gaia try and keep an oppressive fist in the face of Humanity, Man is awakening.
The two of you, however, appear to be under the same old "spell". The illusion that men still need leaders such as yourselves.
You both must be aware of Keshe, Tesla, Fresco, and a multitude of other men and women who are discussing topics concerning "Free" Energy, Vertical Farming, Sustainable Cities, etc.
Knowing what the American Public knows, through the interconnectedness that the Internet has allowed, how can the two of you stand before a Live (I actually think it was prerecorded) audience and blather on about jobs, the economy, and healthcare in the old "Dog Eat Dog" paradigm?
Last I checked, Dog was Man's best friend and, with all due respect, you both must view yourselves, your ilk, and Humanity as dogs. The way you insist upon We the People subscribing to a society of competition in the face of GLOBAL ABUNDANCE is beyond even the slow to grasp.
It never ceases to amaze me how low one is able to stoop. In case you did not get the memo, Mankind embodies amazing aspects of character and deep rooted values that stand unwavering before the likes of you both. We the People know more of the Truth than you would lend us credit for.
Speaking of credit, you both have severely overdrawn the accounts of Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Morality...
I could go on, but at this moment, the message should be clear. Quit wasting our time with echoes from yesterday. Either lead us bravely into the truth of tomorrow, or let us lead ourselves there together, hand in hand.
Honorably Yours,
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Drake: Is He Pro Zionist?
In regards to this article:
In light of the current Christ Vs Mohammed (PBUH) meme that has overtaken our media, our minds, and our morals, I must honestly question Drake's posting of such Pro Israel (Zionist Regime) rhetoric.
Much of this article echoes the same filth that Bibi Netanyahu is unloading. It reeks of anti Iranian propaganda.
I know that this group has shown interest in the Keshe Foundation.
Mehran Keshe is Iranian. Why in the world would Drake stand in opposition to Iran in this late hour?
We all know Drake isn't a huge fan of Obama. Can't say that I am at this point, but he has taken a hard stance against Israel (Zionist Regime). So has General Dempsey. On the GLOBAL stage no less!
While I am uncertain of Obama (and Drake's) intentions as they share their respective spotlights, I am certain of my intentions and my focus.
I seek Peace, Love, Harmony, Equality, Liberty, Forgiveness, and Freedom. (Note: Justice is missing from the list)
We have all been infected with the virus of Ego. Awareness of this is the first step in healing the affliction.
While I am loathe to point a finger, it is clear that a certain belief structure is the major crux of the Grand Illusion we call Reality.
Iran and the Muslim nation is NOT our enemy. Fear, Hate, Bigotry, and Pride are thought forms that must be fought against. The war should be directed at ideas, not nations full of people.
I question Drake's motives at this hour, in light of the linked article.
In light of the current Christ Vs Mohammed (PBUH) meme that has overtaken our media, our minds, and our morals, I must honestly question Drake's posting of such Pro Israel (Zionist Regime) rhetoric.
Much of this article echoes the same filth that Bibi Netanyahu is unloading. It reeks of anti Iranian propaganda.
I know that this group has shown interest in the Keshe Foundation.
Mehran Keshe is Iranian. Why in the world would Drake stand in opposition to Iran in this late hour?
We all know Drake isn't a huge fan of Obama. Can't say that I am at this point, but he has taken a hard stance against Israel (Zionist Regime). So has General Dempsey. On the GLOBAL stage no less!
While I am uncertain of Obama (and Drake's) intentions as they share their respective spotlights, I am certain of my intentions and my focus.
I seek Peace, Love, Harmony, Equality, Liberty, Forgiveness, and Freedom. (Note: Justice is missing from the list)
We have all been infected with the virus of Ego. Awareness of this is the first step in healing the affliction.
While I am loathe to point a finger, it is clear that a certain belief structure is the major crux of the Grand Illusion we call Reality.
Iran and the Muslim nation is NOT our enemy. Fear, Hate, Bigotry, and Pride are thought forms that must be fought against. The war should be directed at ideas, not nations full of people.
I question Drake's motives at this hour, in light of the linked article.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Bleed the Dragon: War Propaganda or Call to Benevolence
NOTE: While I figure out the html issue concerning the two links in this article, I've attached them in the comments section.
While I read this:
I'd like to explore this:
My intuition tells me that these two Internet finds are related. I'll connect the dots here that seem self evident to me.
First, I have a limited foundation of knowledge which I'm drawing upon as this article is written concerning Mind Control. As I read the former linked archive, what my intuition extrapolates at this moment in time while undoubtedly become more clear, in regards as how I will henceforth attempt to relate the two links.
Upon looking over some of the section headings found at the first link, and having read the second link in its entirety early today, a most curious thought took over.
It would appear that if there is any truth to the claims made in the first link, any leader or person in a position of power or authority currently on our planet Earth/Terra/Gaia, if they are benevolently inspired to seek Truth, Justice, Liberty, Equality and Peace, my sincerest request is that they consider the possibility of being under the Mind Control mechanisms mentioned in detail at the first link of this post.
A follow up to this initial intuited connection of the links within this article will be forthcoming as I further explore The Illuminati Formula.
While I read this:
I'd like to explore this:
My intuition tells me that these two Internet finds are related. I'll connect the dots here that seem self evident to me.
First, I have a limited foundation of knowledge which I'm drawing upon as this article is written concerning Mind Control. As I read the former linked archive, what my intuition extrapolates at this moment in time while undoubtedly become more clear, in regards as how I will henceforth attempt to relate the two links.
Upon looking over some of the section headings found at the first link, and having read the second link in its entirety early today, a most curious thought took over.
It would appear that if there is any truth to the claims made in the first link, any leader or person in a position of power or authority currently on our planet Earth/Terra/Gaia, if they are benevolently inspired to seek Truth, Justice, Liberty, Equality and Peace, my sincerest request is that they consider the possibility of being under the Mind Control mechanisms mentioned in detail at the first link of this post.
A follow up to this initial intuited connection of the links within this article will be forthcoming as I further explore The Illuminati Formula.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
A Drake, a Cobra, a Duff & Global Reports of Troop Movement
I've noticed that there are heavy differences in what Drake is saying in comparison to what Gordon Duff of Veterans Today is reporting. I believe every journalist there uses their real name. Drakes, for anyone familiar with the mythical and fairy tale worlds, are dragons (reptilians?). Most could fly, but ALL of them could breathe fire (lie?).
With Drake's recent sights set on Cobra, another reference to a scaled creature (reptilian?), it is hard to say exactly what is playing out in the alternative media channels.
If you are unaware of whom I speak, there are several places to look which I will link to at the end of this article.
At this time, after having assessed the alternative headlines of the portion of the Internet I choose to filter, I'd like to point out a theory I am currently working on.
There have been endless streams of reports about bankers retiring or stepping down or resigning. A regime change in the financial realm appears to have taken place. Couple this with reports on repatriation of collateralized accounts and, at least to this writer, a climate for global troop movements would indeed exist.
If we can assume that all reported troop movements and joint ops between countries at this hour and throughout the better part of this year are true and verifiable, it stands to reason that perhaps there exists an ounce of truth surrounding the NESARA Law and the aforementioned repatriation. Here is my take on why.
If offshore accounts of precious metals, for instance, are being moved by the governments of the world, would they deploy a heavy military presence to ensure safe delivery of these items? My guess is yes.
My guess also is that the Cabal controlled media would try to instill fear in the masses by insisting troop movement is due to their plan of global dominance. Failed plan, rather.
I would also venture to say that Netanyahu is extraordinarily irked after the recent withdraw of most of the US Military forces that were to run joint ops with Israel. It appears that Netanyahu's Israel is NOT getting as big of a piece of pie as anticipated, if my theory holds water.
I have no explanation for the recent death (murder? assassination?) of Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. If he was a benevolent man, it was probably Cabal related.
I have no 'insider' information. These theories move in rapid progression in my mind once they begin to unfold. If there IS any truth to what is typed here, it is most likely due to the dissipating barrier between my conscious and OUR conscious. In other words, what one knows, all know, and vis versa.
Links will come soon. Enjoy In Light
- JBiZ!
With Drake's recent sights set on Cobra, another reference to a scaled creature (reptilian?), it is hard to say exactly what is playing out in the alternative media channels.
If you are unaware of whom I speak, there are several places to look which I will link to at the end of this article.
At this time, after having assessed the alternative headlines of the portion of the Internet I choose to filter, I'd like to point out a theory I am currently working on.
There have been endless streams of reports about bankers retiring or stepping down or resigning. A regime change in the financial realm appears to have taken place. Couple this with reports on repatriation of collateralized accounts and, at least to this writer, a climate for global troop movements would indeed exist.
If we can assume that all reported troop movements and joint ops between countries at this hour and throughout the better part of this year are true and verifiable, it stands to reason that perhaps there exists an ounce of truth surrounding the NESARA Law and the aforementioned repatriation. Here is my take on why.
If offshore accounts of precious metals, for instance, are being moved by the governments of the world, would they deploy a heavy military presence to ensure safe delivery of these items? My guess is yes.
My guess also is that the Cabal controlled media would try to instill fear in the masses by insisting troop movement is due to their plan of global dominance. Failed plan, rather.
I would also venture to say that Netanyahu is extraordinarily irked after the recent withdraw of most of the US Military forces that were to run joint ops with Israel. It appears that Netanyahu's Israel is NOT getting as big of a piece of pie as anticipated, if my theory holds water.
I have no explanation for the recent death (murder? assassination?) of Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. If he was a benevolent man, it was probably Cabal related.
I have no 'insider' information. These theories move in rapid progression in my mind once they begin to unfold. If there IS any truth to what is typed here, it is most likely due to the dissipating barrier between my conscious and OUR conscious. In other words, what one knows, all know, and vis versa.
Links will come soon. Enjoy In Light
- JBiZ!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Waiting All Summer for the Fall
It certainly has not been as hot this summer in Austin as last. Thank Gaia! The past two days have been absolutely divine. I have been able to sit out in the sun for longer than two minutes without breaking a sweat. I wear a burly beard so, sweating in the heat is not new to me.
My saying these past two Heavenly Days has been,
"I've been waiting all Summer for the Fall."
I realized that there was a dual meaning, a double entendre, if you will. I am certainly willing. Let us journey out, shall we?
The Internet is all a buzz with information to support absolutely ANY potential timeline, positive or otherwise. Let it be known that in MY positive future, there be NO mosquitoes. That is not the only element, but it is a rather important one ;)
Returning now to what the Fall brings and how I have been waiting all Summer for it. At first, the Fall is simply Autumn. I enjoy cooler weather, breezier days,
Upon further investigation, the Fall can also conjure visions of the Cabal, as it has come to be known, and it's demise as we move into a new Era, Age, and Epoch.
At this point I am drawing on my limited knowledge of the many Mayan Cycles (calendar brings forth a foggy visual).
Many will agree that the Mayan culture did, in fact, inhabit Earth/Gaia/Terra at some point in history. The disagreements erupt between the camps when there is any mention of how the Mayans gained access to the knowledge of grand cycles, specifically ones so far outside of the scope of what a civilisation at that time 'should' have been able to conceive.
The Mayans are not alone in there vast knowledge of immense cycles of time. The Sumerians, Egyptians, the ancient Chinese, as well as a veritable cornucopia of civilisations of the past have somehow held onto the sacred knowledge of cyclical time. Or was the knowledge gifted to them?
If you are reading this, you have the same access to the Internet as I do. Now, I am not saying that EVERYTHING on the Net is true, valid, and correct, but I can say that certain elements tend to resonate at higher frequency than others, suggesting that these gems may, perhaps, possess a pearl of wisdom; a jewel of truth.
All of that to say that I am beginning to favor an Ancient Alien hypothesis. The only way for us to really ever know is for the US government to disclose or, open contact from extraterrestrials. Until then, we can argue that cave drawings, clay carvings, da Vinci's and Denver Airport murals point to the FACT of alien existence.
I am of the mind to consider that the Prime Directive is indeed in order concerning our planet. I am almost certain that if I focus enough intent on receiving confirmation of this, I just may get it.
As we move through the latter part of 2012, I cannot help but sense a certain 'coming to a head' of many aspects of our global society. Their IS a new world order on the horizon, but it is not one of control, fear, and death. It is one of freedom, liberty and life.
I stare out into the Abyss of the Unknown unafraid, for I know myself. Knowing who I am gives me hope that I will meet another I Am much like me in the grand cycles to come.
Upon further investigation, the Fall can also conjure visions of the Cabal, as it has come to be known, and it's demise as we move into a new Era, Age, and Epoch.
At this point I am drawing on my limited knowledge of the many Mayan Cycles (calendar brings forth a foggy visual).
Many will agree that the Mayan culture did, in fact, inhabit Earth/Gaia/Terra at some point in history. The disagreements erupt between the camps when there is any mention of how the Mayans gained access to the knowledge of grand cycles, specifically ones so far outside of the scope of what a civilisation at that time 'should' have been able to conceive.
The Mayans are not alone in there vast knowledge of immense cycles of time. The Sumerians, Egyptians, the ancient Chinese, as well as a veritable cornucopia of civilisations of the past have somehow held onto the sacred knowledge of cyclical time. Or was the knowledge gifted to them?
If you are reading this, you have the same access to the Internet as I do. Now, I am not saying that EVERYTHING on the Net is true, valid, and correct, but I can say that certain elements tend to resonate at higher frequency than others, suggesting that these gems may, perhaps, possess a pearl of wisdom; a jewel of truth.
All of that to say that I am beginning to favor an Ancient Alien hypothesis. The only way for us to really ever know is for the US government to disclose or, open contact from extraterrestrials. Until then, we can argue that cave drawings, clay carvings, da Vinci's and Denver Airport murals point to the FACT of alien existence.
I am of the mind to consider that the Prime Directive is indeed in order concerning our planet. I am almost certain that if I focus enough intent on receiving confirmation of this, I just may get it.
As we move through the latter part of 2012, I cannot help but sense a certain 'coming to a head' of many aspects of our global society. Their IS a new world order on the horizon, but it is not one of control, fear, and death. It is one of freedom, liberty and life.
I stare out into the Abyss of the Unknown unafraid, for I know myself. Knowing who I am gives me hope that I will meet another I Am much like me in the grand cycles to come.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Rogue Government Weather Manipulation Hopes to Upset Paul Supporters at RNC
As the Republican National Convention (RNC) approaches, so too does Tropical Storm Isaac (who names these things anyway?).
It is said to reach hurricane class by Monday. Sounds to me like covert, Black Ops weather manipulation has been perfected. And away we go!
This claim may come as brazen and bold to some, but the hope is that most of us are awakened to the point now where open minds do not escape us. Open the mind and the heart shall soon follow.
From what I can gather through the limited, albeit, extensive and exhaustive Internet searches I conduct, Ron Paul is supposedly set to have over 100,000 supporters at the RNC. His supporters come in various shades, the most disconcerting to the incumbent and GOP hopeful, Romney, being ex military, military veterans, militia types, freedom lovers, liberty supporters, gun owners, and upholders of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Truth, Justice, Sovereignty, ad infinitum.
I, myself, am a de facto Paul supporter, but my overall opinion of politics leaves me somewhere between a shaman and a technocrat. That is to say, I care not about the world of politics, inasmuch as it cares not about me. I'm beginning to see that, regardless of how I feel about politics, I may not be able to ignore the subject entirely for much longer.
Back to the hypothesis. Numerous volumes of research can be found concerning Obama's CIA connections, covert Military weather manipulation, and Ron Paul supporter demographics. I'm not certain if these 100,000 supporters have anything planned for the RNC, but my guess is yes, they do indeed.
Is it a military coup d'etat that has been uttered and postulated on numerous underground militia sites? I wish I could say. Having no 'Insider' connections, I stay at a loss for truth in this arena.
I am not attempting to paint anyone here as the Disney Villain for a multitude of reasons. One, since there is no way for me to know the intricate world of global politics and military maneuvers, I am only attempting to make sense of the information that I choose to filter. Two, I am no longer seeking to polarize, which only assists in further dividing ourselves from each other. As duality fades away in the coming paradigm, Good and Evil are replaced with Divine Righteousness, not to be confused with self righteousness.
Trains of thought of this nature are often met with vehement disapproval by those who can only see the illusion, the veil, the matrix. To penetrate the synthetic construct which has be erected around our physical senses, one must shut out the 'noise' associated with the senses. This truth has been eluded in numerous volumes of antiquity. The 'holy' books of Earth are full of paraboles and cryptic references to our third eye (pineal gland).
I digress...
The RNC is set for tomorrow and as I was Google Earthing yesterday, Mister Isaac appears to have been waning, NOT waxing. I could be wrong. I'll check again today.
If I'm right though, then there would appear to be something to say about the use of technology sans Spirit. No matter how many physical instruments the control faction of Earth has access to and is currently utilizing, the outcomes of using said instruments without the application of Divine Righteous Intent, or worse, with the use of malicious and malevolent intent, are subject to the Collective Will. As the Collective Will awakens to its integrity, the individual wills of our collective can focus intent on any number of potentials, influencing the outcomes of our shared experience. An example of this would be, if all of Humanity focused on developing benevolent technology with the Divine Righteous Intent to feed our whole population freely, sustainably, and perpetually, we could.
In the end, it does not matter if weather manipulating technology exists. If it is used in concert with Divine Righteous Intent, the outcome, bolstered by the Collective Will, stands more of a chance of succeeding. On the other hand, until control of these machines (technology) passes into the hands of more benevolent controllers, we (Humanity) are not without a defense. We have our Collective Will that can be activated by our combined focus on a potential outcome in the face of whatever experience we share.
Whether you believe or not, if you are a Ron Paul supporter, you may wanna focus on Isaac dissipating instead of believing it is going to cause mayhem for the RNC, especially if there really are going to be 100,000 strong in support of political change, world peace, and transparent government.
Just a thought.
It is said to reach hurricane class by Monday. Sounds to me like covert, Black Ops weather manipulation has been perfected. And away we go!
This claim may come as brazen and bold to some, but the hope is that most of us are awakened to the point now where open minds do not escape us. Open the mind and the heart shall soon follow.
From what I can gather through the limited, albeit, extensive and exhaustive Internet searches I conduct, Ron Paul is supposedly set to have over 100,000 supporters at the RNC. His supporters come in various shades, the most disconcerting to the incumbent and GOP hopeful, Romney, being ex military, military veterans, militia types, freedom lovers, liberty supporters, gun owners, and upholders of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Truth, Justice, Sovereignty, ad infinitum.
I, myself, am a de facto Paul supporter, but my overall opinion of politics leaves me somewhere between a shaman and a technocrat. That is to say, I care not about the world of politics, inasmuch as it cares not about me. I'm beginning to see that, regardless of how I feel about politics, I may not be able to ignore the subject entirely for much longer.
Back to the hypothesis. Numerous volumes of research can be found concerning Obama's CIA connections, covert Military weather manipulation, and Ron Paul supporter demographics. I'm not certain if these 100,000 supporters have anything planned for the RNC, but my guess is yes, they do indeed.
Is it a military coup d'etat that has been uttered and postulated on numerous underground militia sites? I wish I could say. Having no 'Insider' connections, I stay at a loss for truth in this arena.
I am not attempting to paint anyone here as the Disney Villain for a multitude of reasons. One, since there is no way for me to know the intricate world of global politics and military maneuvers, I am only attempting to make sense of the information that I choose to filter. Two, I am no longer seeking to polarize, which only assists in further dividing ourselves from each other. As duality fades away in the coming paradigm, Good and Evil are replaced with Divine Righteousness, not to be confused with self righteousness.
Trains of thought of this nature are often met with vehement disapproval by those who can only see the illusion, the veil, the matrix. To penetrate the synthetic construct which has be erected around our physical senses, one must shut out the 'noise' associated with the senses. This truth has been eluded in numerous volumes of antiquity. The 'holy' books of Earth are full of paraboles and cryptic references to our third eye (pineal gland).
I digress...
The RNC is set for tomorrow and as I was Google Earthing yesterday, Mister Isaac appears to have been waning, NOT waxing. I could be wrong. I'll check again today.
If I'm right though, then there would appear to be something to say about the use of technology sans Spirit. No matter how many physical instruments the control faction of Earth has access to and is currently utilizing, the outcomes of using said instruments without the application of Divine Righteous Intent, or worse, with the use of malicious and malevolent intent, are subject to the Collective Will. As the Collective Will awakens to its integrity, the individual wills of our collective can focus intent on any number of potentials, influencing the outcomes of our shared experience. An example of this would be, if all of Humanity focused on developing benevolent technology with the Divine Righteous Intent to feed our whole population freely, sustainably, and perpetually, we could.
In the end, it does not matter if weather manipulating technology exists. If it is used in concert with Divine Righteous Intent, the outcome, bolstered by the Collective Will, stands more of a chance of succeeding. On the other hand, until control of these machines (technology) passes into the hands of more benevolent controllers, we (Humanity) are not without a defense. We have our Collective Will that can be activated by our combined focus on a potential outcome in the face of whatever experience we share.
Whether you believe or not, if you are a Ron Paul supporter, you may wanna focus on Isaac dissipating instead of believing it is going to cause mayhem for the RNC, especially if there really are going to be 100,000 strong in support of political change, world peace, and transparent government.
Just a thought.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Memory of Birth?
It couldn't have been a dream, as I do not recall awakening from the experience I am about to describe.
The Setting
Only recently have I come to know how to appropriately describe the scene I found myself in. Through the Thrive movie and subsequent movement, Marko Rodin and his team's discoveries in vortex based mathematics, and a litany of other artistic renderings and sources, I am able to convey an exact visual of the place in which memory began.
I inhabited a torus similar to the image below.
There were slight differences. I was aware of no color, mostly shades of gray. The floating area in the center of the picture above resembled a castle, rock or crystalline perhaps, much like this:
The Setting
Only recently have I come to know how to appropriately describe the scene I found myself in. Through the Thrive movie and subsequent movement, Marko Rodin and his team's discoveries in vortex based mathematics, and a litany of other artistic renderings and sources, I am able to convey an exact visual of the place in which memory began.
I inhabited a torus similar to the image below.
There were slight differences. I was aware of no color, mostly shades of gray. The floating area in the center of the picture above resembled a castle, rock or crystalline perhaps, much like this:
If you can image the bottom portion being mirrored, inverted, and placed where the buildings are, you would have the exact layout of this realm. Further imagine a toroidal funnel extending above and below that terminate into black holes at both ends (literally, but without any massive gravitational force attributes).
I was navigating that funnel, at least, the rim of it, seeking a bridge or a way to cross to the rock (crystal?) palace.
I had an awareness of only my hands and feet, my feet seeking purchase with each step as my hands floundered in darkness.
I was not aware of any particular emotion. A pervasive sense of calm closed around me and settled within.
I could not see any sign of a way across. How desperately I wanted to be there on that floating palace. The funnel below beckoned.
At the end of this memory, courage rose within, the first sign of emotion thus far. I understood that I must endure the darkness in order to reach my destination. How I long to be there, wherever there is.
Here, I Am.
Was it my birth that I recall? Have I some knowledge of the place before here? All I know is that I chose to dive headfirst into the black void and my next memory was a car dealership and a cowboy. My mother informs me that it was a Subaru dealership, she was holding me, my family was buying a car from a dealership in Texas, thus the cowboy and accompanying hat (which is all I really recall of that, my second memory).
There were one or two episodes of lucid moments of hovering above my bed as a child. I was paralyzed otherwise, but there was a definite sensation of me being inches from the ceiling. Could I have been abducted?
Does This Resonate?
In light of the current times and with the Internet abuzz with astounding information, I've decided to post this blog in hopes of discovering if others are familiar with the place I speak of, either through personal experience, mystery teachings, channelled info, or otherwise.
I am leaving my mind open to any and all suggestions. Whatever resonates, well...
Other Memories (Dreams?)
Another childhood feature was an 'imaginary friend' named Jimmy. Did I see dead people, or perhaps other dimensional beings as a child? I have no first hand memory of any of the experiences that my mother assures me occurred. I have an out of body type memory of the last time I was with Jimmy. It is rather weird to describe. I'll admit, it is a little Twilight Zone-y.
There were at least two iterations of me. One in the seat in the car I was getting into already, looking at another me getting into the car who was looking back for Jimmy, or maybe another iteration of me. I was aware of the me perspective of the seated version of myself with a memory of looking back for Jimmy (myself?) and not seeing him (me?) anymore.
Perhaps at that moment my contact with Source was veiled.
Enough of My Babble
At any rate, I do have the aforementioned memories and feel that if I were to somehow understand these and others, I may be equipped to serve Humanity in the capacity I feel I may be capable of.
I realize a suspension of disbelief is needed when evoking an open mind. I am uncertain of what I may conjure in this, my pursuit of Truth and Knowledge. I welcome any explanations that arrive. Resonance will guide me to Truth. Of that, I Am certain.
- JBiZ!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Obama: Light Worker or Heart of Darkness?
It would behoove you all to look into Mehran Keshe at the following site:
If we are to assume Obama is a Lightworker, why would he formally denounce Iran for possessing Magrav Technology? Mehran Keshe, the technology's founder, claims in the forum on the site listed above that it was his technology that literally plucked an American drone out of the sky from mid-flight, while simultaneously dampening the self-destruct signal, keeping the drone intact and allowing the Iranian Military to display its upper hand publicly.
What followed was a media circus spinning web after web of lie upon lie.
At this point, Obama has imposed sanctions on Iran, declared them a threat to American security, surrounded that nation with military might... and he is supposed to be a Lightworker?!?!
Upon further inquiry, Keshe intends to give this technology to all nations. Obama seems intent on continuing his assault on this man, his nation, and his technology that, by all accounts, may very well be ET in nature, or simply, a derivative of True Nature finally understood.
Those of you who are not familiar with FREE Energy Technology should look into Nikola Tesla and the research he was conducting in the late nineteenth century. Oddly enough, Tesla's bookkeeper was none other than George Scherf Sr (aka Prescott Bush, G. H. W. Bush's daddy and notorious for being connected to Hitler and the Nazi monsters).
It is also interesting to note that Tesla's research was funded primarily by J. P. Morgan. Is it possible that Scherf Sr. was an agent of J. P. Morgan? If so, does this prove that these two families have been in cahoots for decades? If this is the case, can the Bush Family be fingered in the Libor Scandal as well?
The greater point is that numerous individuals over the last 100 years or so, beginning with Tesla perhaps, who have been researching FREE Energy Technology, appear to be systematically silenced somehow, with all knowledge of their research and findings being reduced to torched labs and lunatic rantings. The not so lucky ones end up dead.
Mehran Keshe is ahead of the curve. By utilizing the Internet, it appears he'll be able to release his findings to the globe, nation to nation, to those nation's leaders who would choose to partake in global peace and abundance. It would seem that any Lightworker would jump at this wonderful opportunity. Not the US President it seems.
Instead of accepting this with open arms, President Obama has ended up on the polar opposite end of the spectrum. The American People need to realize the potential for peace and prosperity through Keshe's findings and insist their government participate at the next public presentation scheduled for September 6, 2012. The United States was invited to the first public demonstration back in April, failed to make it, and instead, our Lightworking Leader signed an Executive Order. Hmmm...
Outside of that, and with everything Obama has shown publicly, it is most certainly difficult to describe the man as a Lightworker, at least in the sense of how I understand the term.
About the only way in which this could be remotely feasible is if he is an extreme undercover double agent for the Light.
Perhaps he is setting into motion the legislation needed to detain indefinitely those agents of the dark who seek to wield control and power over the masses through his signing of NDAA.
Perhaps he is so far undercover that the Cabal, Drake, and numerous others are at ends to say. Maybe he is on the fence, juggling the option of loosing his family or sending countless Americans to the slaughter?
I certainly do not claim to know this particular truth, nor do I claim to have insider information on the subject.
What I do have is resonance. Knowing neither man personally, Keshe resonates. Obama does not. I was even duped for change and voted for the man in the 2008 elections. I have a right to complain now, as they say. Instead of complaining, I choose to inform so, get your learn on people. The Keshe Foundation site is big, and the information contained is invigorating.
- JBiZ!
If we are to assume Obama is a Lightworker, why would he formally denounce Iran for possessing Magrav Technology? Mehran Keshe, the technology's founder, claims in the forum on the site listed above that it was his technology that literally plucked an American drone out of the sky from mid-flight, while simultaneously dampening the self-destruct signal, keeping the drone intact and allowing the Iranian Military to display its upper hand publicly.
What followed was a media circus spinning web after web of lie upon lie.
At this point, Obama has imposed sanctions on Iran, declared them a threat to American security, surrounded that nation with military might... and he is supposed to be a Lightworker?!?!
Upon further inquiry, Keshe intends to give this technology to all nations. Obama seems intent on continuing his assault on this man, his nation, and his technology that, by all accounts, may very well be ET in nature, or simply, a derivative of True Nature finally understood.
Those of you who are not familiar with FREE Energy Technology should look into Nikola Tesla and the research he was conducting in the late nineteenth century. Oddly enough, Tesla's bookkeeper was none other than George Scherf Sr (aka Prescott Bush, G. H. W. Bush's daddy and notorious for being connected to Hitler and the Nazi monsters).
It is also interesting to note that Tesla's research was funded primarily by J. P. Morgan. Is it possible that Scherf Sr. was an agent of J. P. Morgan? If so, does this prove that these two families have been in cahoots for decades? If this is the case, can the Bush Family be fingered in the Libor Scandal as well?
The greater point is that numerous individuals over the last 100 years or so, beginning with Tesla perhaps, who have been researching FREE Energy Technology, appear to be systematically silenced somehow, with all knowledge of their research and findings being reduced to torched labs and lunatic rantings. The not so lucky ones end up dead.
Mehran Keshe is ahead of the curve. By utilizing the Internet, it appears he'll be able to release his findings to the globe, nation to nation, to those nation's leaders who would choose to partake in global peace and abundance. It would seem that any Lightworker would jump at this wonderful opportunity. Not the US President it seems.
Instead of accepting this with open arms, President Obama has ended up on the polar opposite end of the spectrum. The American People need to realize the potential for peace and prosperity through Keshe's findings and insist their government participate at the next public presentation scheduled for September 6, 2012. The United States was invited to the first public demonstration back in April, failed to make it, and instead, our Lightworking Leader signed an Executive Order. Hmmm...
Outside of that, and with everything Obama has shown publicly, it is most certainly difficult to describe the man as a Lightworker, at least in the sense of how I understand the term.
About the only way in which this could be remotely feasible is if he is an extreme undercover double agent for the Light.
Perhaps he is setting into motion the legislation needed to detain indefinitely those agents of the dark who seek to wield control and power over the masses through his signing of NDAA.
Perhaps he is so far undercover that the Cabal, Drake, and numerous others are at ends to say. Maybe he is on the fence, juggling the option of loosing his family or sending countless Americans to the slaughter?
I certainly do not claim to know this particular truth, nor do I claim to have insider information on the subject.
What I do have is resonance. Knowing neither man personally, Keshe resonates. Obama does not. I was even duped for change and voted for the man in the 2008 elections. I have a right to complain now, as they say. Instead of complaining, I choose to inform so, get your learn on people. The Keshe Foundation site is big, and the information contained is invigorating.
- JBiZ!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
If you have not heard of the Keshe Foundation and you are living in the United States, that is no surprise.
The numerous distractions the American Media Mafia insist on magnifying and mulling over in front of the masses makes genuine news breeze by without much notice.
Keshe Foundation response to US Presidential Decree
Check the link above for the Real Deal people.
With the advent of the Internet, information such as this is at our disposal. Truth is surfacing and the Revelations are remarkable.
To recap the information at the given link, the Keshe Foundation has offered the leaders of the US and Iran to come witness the awe and might of their latest technological wonder which, subsequently, can render ALL CURRENT MILITARY VEHICLES USELESS.
This is no joke people. The world is awakening. We will have peace. Unplug from the Fear Porn and become an emergent citizen in an evolving universe. - JBiZ!
The numerous distractions the American Media Mafia insist on magnifying and mulling over in front of the masses makes genuine news breeze by without much notice.
Keshe Foundation response to US Presidential Decree
Check the link above for the Real Deal people.
With the advent of the Internet, information such as this is at our disposal. Truth is surfacing and the Revelations are remarkable.
To recap the information at the given link, the Keshe Foundation has offered the leaders of the US and Iran to come witness the awe and might of their latest technological wonder which, subsequently, can render ALL CURRENT MILITARY VEHICLES USELESS.
This is no joke people. The world is awakening. We will have peace. Unplug from the Fear Porn and become an emergent citizen in an evolving universe. - JBiZ!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wilcock, Fulford, & Drake, Oh My!
And away we go!
At least...I think so..?
Oh I don't know?!
Before I digress allow me me to press on to my point.
Point being thus:
Believe me when I say I'm miles away from being an angel.
That was to be an aside after the point, but I felt I should admit to personal fallacy prior to pointing fingers.
Onward to aforementioned point. We are now in the 'doing' phase of a global shift, millennia in the making (planning). The reports are in and the sources are fantastic!
If you have the Internet and choose to use it for (I'll say it) its intended purpose, which is to say, there be more than porn, 'shareable' (pirated...SHHH!!!) media, and product purchasing happening on the interweb, then perhaps you've navigated your way to the likes of Fulford, Kettler, Wilcock, and Drake.
There are, of course, numerous others one could mention, but this is a small dose of writing style mixed with current affairs (some personal, some global, many bizarre) and enough baby pooh to fertilize a community garden.

Jericho Olanmateo
We let him get away with it... for obvious reasons ;)
Let me add a more personal, less fatherly note (no pun, as you will see).
Musical Aspirations
Musically (pun), integrating Maschine into an already disappearing day, day after day, is beginning to pay off, at least conceptually.
It makes sense in my mind, in other words.
For the most part, serendipity and perhaps some intuition has guided me through my blossoming musical interests, particularly in the form of choosing quality tools.
I feel like my intentions for this blog should be composed in some sort of mission statement. Then, if I deviated from those intentions, I would at least have written record of it. Something to rub my nose in.
CAUTION: A suspension of disbelief is highly recommended when reading fringe material.
A little video I put together:
music courtesy of A Perfect Circle
What are they spraying here in Austin? Is it safe for me? Mi Amorita?? My son?! ...oh, and Ember, my puppy??!!
And the chemtrails are only the beginning, not to mention what I've seen. If we take the Khazarian Banking Cabal, Zionist Nazi monsters, malevolent ETs/EDs, a corporate government enslaving the People in a manner that goes undetected, and the Agenda that the whole cancerous, plague-ridden lot of them force upon the planet, it is no small wonder that we are even here at such a pivotal point in Time. The naysayers will fall off at this point. I can't say that I blame them. All in all, I suppose the intent of this blog is to have a personal reference whilst maintaining transparency to those who even care to know. It starts here. Lets see where it ends. - JBiZ!
At least...I think so..?
Oh I don't know?!
Before I digress allow me me to press on to my point.
Point being thus:
Believe me when I say I'm miles away from being an angel.
That was to be an aside after the point, but I felt I should admit to personal fallacy prior to pointing fingers.
Onward to aforementioned point. We are now in the 'doing' phase of a global shift, millennia in the making (planning). The reports are in and the sources are fantastic!
If you have the Internet and choose to use it for (I'll say it) its intended purpose, which is to say, there be more than porn, 'shareable' (pirated...SHHH!!!) media, and product purchasing happening on the interweb, then perhaps you've navigated your way to the likes of Fulford, Kettler, Wilcock, and Drake.
There are, of course, numerous others one could mention, but this is a small dose of writing style mixed with current affairs (some personal, some global, many bizarre) and enough baby pooh to fertilize a community garden.

Jericho Olanmateo
We let him get away with it... for obvious reasons ;)
Let me add a more personal, less fatherly note (no pun, as you will see).
Musical Aspirations
Musically (pun), integrating Maschine into an already disappearing day, day after day, is beginning to pay off, at least conceptually.
It makes sense in my mind, in other words.
For the most part, serendipity and perhaps some intuition has guided me through my blossoming musical interests, particularly in the form of choosing quality tools.
I feel like my intentions for this blog should be composed in some sort of mission statement. Then, if I deviated from those intentions, I would at least have written record of it. Something to rub my nose in.
CAUTION: A suspension of disbelief is highly recommended when reading fringe material.
A little video I put together:
music courtesy of A Perfect Circle
What are they spraying here in Austin? Is it safe for me? Mi Amorita?? My son?! ...oh, and Ember, my puppy??!!

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