Thursday, October 4, 2012

Open Letter to the 2012 Presidential Candidates

First, I would like to extend a gesture of kindness to both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. While I do not pretend to support either the Republican or Democratic Parties' platforms, at this hour, mutual respect does not escape me.

Gentlemen, a Brave New World is within Man's grasp. I question not how you both rose to power, but rather, how you both intend to use that power for, not only America's future, but the future of our shared Mother, Earth/Terra/Gaia.

I have chosen to filter a vast spectrum of information found on the Internet. I am certain you both are aware of how this medium of media has painted you. I have your collective rhetoric and actions to gauge the burden of truth by. At this juncture, you both bode very poorly.

I can qualify my current assessment based partially on last night's debate. How disconnected are you two? Americans do not want jobs. Not in the traditional sense. We want purpose. You know, that something that our controlling governments and banking institutions worldwide have systematically stripped from Humanity, along with our creativity, honor, intellect and spirit. It is as if we have been duped into yielding our power to a foreign entity that does not have Humanity's best interests in mind.

The droning talking points you both echoed during the debate are from an obsolete ideology shortly approaching it's... time, so to speak. The writing is on the wall and inundating the Internet. Man shall know Peace at last.

But where does that leave the two of you and your ilk?

We need a leader who is unafraid to represent us Americans for who we truly are. The giants, those forefathers whose shoulders we have been standing on, must cringe with where we have steered our ship of state since its inception.

You speak about healthcare and jobs and taxes and the economy...

But as I mentioned, these things do not interest Mankind anymore. As much as the controlling factions of Earth/Terra/Gaia try and keep an oppressive fist in the face of Humanity, Man is awakening.

The two of you, however, appear to be under the same old "spell". The illusion that men still need leaders such as yourselves.

You both must be aware of Keshe, Tesla, Fresco, and a multitude of other men and women who are discussing topics concerning "Free" Energy, Vertical Farming, Sustainable Cities, etc.

Knowing what the American Public knows, through the interconnectedness that the Internet has allowed, how can the two of you stand before a Live (I actually think it was prerecorded) audience and blather on about jobs, the economy, and healthcare in the old "Dog Eat Dog" paradigm?

Last I checked, Dog was Man's best friend and, with all due respect, you both must view yourselves, your ilk, and Humanity as dogs. The way you insist upon We the People subscribing to a society of competition in the face of GLOBAL ABUNDANCE is beyond even the slow to grasp.

It never ceases to amaze me how low one is able to stoop. In case you did not get the memo, Mankind embodies amazing aspects of character and deep rooted values that stand unwavering before the likes of you both. We the People know more of the Truth than you would lend us credit for.

Speaking of credit, you both have severely overdrawn the accounts of Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Morality...

I could go on, but at this moment, the message should be clear. Quit wasting our time with echoes from yesterday. Either lead us bravely into the truth of tomorrow, or let us lead ourselves there together, hand in hand.

Honorably Yours,


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