It is done.
I had to tie a mighty hefty one on to do it, but the words have been said; the line in the sand drawn.
I have known for several years of a number of Masons in and among my family. Ring Wearers in some cases, less active in others... perhaps. Who knows, right?
The gauntlet has been laid, so to speak, though. I can readily justify my claims, but for the sake of brevity I choose to leave things brief for now, and later, as extensive as possible as matters from my initial action arise.
The Facts
- A "lien" has been placed on certain members of my family. These particular members do not appear to be of the more negative persuasion of the Masonic Order, but part of it I am quite sure none the less, myself included to some degree I suppose. It is a birthright, no?
-- I want truth and answers from the more senior members involved with the Masonic Order that I can indirectly touch through my familial ties.
-- If a string of "bad luck" should befall me, it stands to reason that my pursuit of truth, in this fashion, is the vehicle in which justifiability of action will be found in the cases of those opposed to my course.
-- Certain "assets" of mine have been leveraged in a maneuver with the intent of bringing about a peaceful stirring within the rank and file of The Order, as I perceive it's workings in my family.
Cryptic Apologies
As there is no loss of love, truly, for the members of my family that find themselves now Instruments of Truth in my, and subsequently OUR "awakening(s)," I find it unnecessary to divulge all aspects and facts concerning the who, where, and when of this process.
Apologies in advance for deployment of metaphor, simile, and other cryptic functions of language.
Out of Vices
It would be obtuse of me to drop the hammer, so to speak, and not walk my own talk. As I confront the beast externally, I must also confront the beast within. Self reflection does not escape me, and I myself am out of excuses, as it were, concerning my defense of behaviors that are, for all intent and purpose, indefensible.
I am no stranger to sober living, and as an exclamation point attached to my recent banner waving, I will now revisit that lifestyle. If I demand truth and change, I must also be that which I seek, or at least, act as if, in hopes that true change will follow. Indeed it often does.
Loose Specifics
The emotional reverberation of last night's discourse is no doubt working it's way into the fabric of shared reality this morning.
I have been at wits end trying to decipher the truth concerning the Masonic Order, as well as a litany of other truth seekers and light workers across the globe. Action has been taken on my behalf.
With choice, there is consequence. The choice I made last eve was not one that I particularly enjoyed making, but I can no longer stand by and provide access to my life to those who would stand in the way of my pursuit of clarity, honesty, and truth.
In my opinion, one is either pursuing or obstructing the pursuit of truth. I have questions. I want answers. I'll share the results as/if they come in.
In the meantime, I'm "on the wagon" and am eager to reclaim my light as I let go of my own chains.
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