Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama: Light Worker or Heart of Darkness?

It would behoove you all to look into Mehran Keshe at the following site:


If we are to assume Obama is a Lightworker, why would he formally denounce Iran for possessing Magrav Technology? Mehran Keshe, the technology's founder, claims in the forum on the site listed above that it was his technology that literally plucked an American drone out of the sky from mid-flight, while simultaneously dampening the self-destruct signal, keeping the drone intact and allowing the Iranian Military to display its upper hand publicly.

What followed was a media circus spinning web after web of lie upon lie.

At this point, Obama has imposed sanctions on Iran, declared them a threat to American security, surrounded that nation with military might... and he is supposed to be a Lightworker?!?!

Upon further inquiry, Keshe intends to give this technology to all nations. Obama seems intent on continuing his assault on this man, his nation, and his technology that, by all accounts, may very well be ET in nature, or simply, a derivative of True Nature finally understood.

Those of you who are not familiar with FREE Energy Technology should look into Nikola Tesla and the research he was conducting in the late nineteenth century. Oddly enough, Tesla's bookkeeper was none other than George Scherf Sr (aka Prescott Bush, G. H. W. Bush's daddy and notorious for being connected to Hitler and the Nazi monsters).


It is also interesting to note that Tesla's research was funded primarily by J. P. Morgan. Is it possible that Scherf Sr. was an agent of J. P. Morgan? If so, does this prove that these two families have been in cahoots for decades? If this is the case, can the Bush Family be fingered in the Libor Scandal as well?

The greater point is that numerous individuals over the last 100 years or so, beginning with Tesla perhaps, who have been researching FREE Energy Technology, appear to be systematically silenced somehow, with all knowledge of their research and findings being reduced to torched labs and lunatic rantings. The not so lucky ones end up dead.

Mehran Keshe is ahead of the curve. By utilizing the Internet, it appears he'll be able to release his findings to the globe, nation to nation, to those nation's leaders who would choose to partake in global peace and abundance. It would seem that any Lightworker would jump at this wonderful opportunity. Not the US President it seems.

Instead of accepting this with open arms, President Obama has ended up on the polar opposite end of the spectrum. The American People need to realize the potential for peace and prosperity through Keshe's findings and insist their government participate at the next public presentation scheduled for September 6, 2012. The United States was invited to the first public demonstration back in April, failed to make it, and instead, our Lightworking Leader signed an Executive Order. Hmmm...

Outside of that, and with everything Obama has shown publicly, it is most certainly difficult to describe the man as a Lightworker, at least in the sense of how I understand the term.

About the only way in which this could be remotely feasible is if he is an extreme undercover double agent for the Light.

Perhaps he is setting into motion the legislation needed to detain indefinitely those agents of the dark who seek to wield control and power over the masses through his signing of NDAA.

Perhaps he is so far undercover that the Cabal, Drake, and numerous others are at ends to say. Maybe he is on the fence, juggling the option of loosing his family or sending countless Americans to the slaughter?

I certainly do not claim to know this particular truth, nor do I claim to have insider information on the subject.

What I do have is resonance. Knowing neither man personally, Keshe resonates. Obama does not. I was even duped for change and voted for the man in the 2008 elections. I have a right to complain now, as they say. Instead of complaining, I choose to inform so, get your learn on people. The Keshe Foundation site is big, and the information contained is invigorating.

- JBiZ!

1 comment:

  1. Love the site and your take on the situation, Jordan! Both the NDAA and it's potential use occurred to me almost immediately, and I, too, only have a sliver of hope now. The jury is out on BO, but it is walking back in to the courtroom as we speak. He needs a "game changer." Indeed, we live in interesting times. Peace.
