Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wilcock, Fulford, & Drake, Oh My!

And away we go!

At least...I think so..?

Oh I don't know?!

Before I digress allow me me to press on to my point.

Point being thus:

Believe me when I say I'm miles away from being an angel.

That was to be an aside after the point, but I felt I should admit to personal fallacy prior to pointing fingers.

Onward to aforementioned point. We are now in the 'doing' phase of a global shift, millennia in the making (planning). The reports are in and the sources are fantastic!

If you have the Internet and choose to use it for (I'll say it) its intended purpose, which is to say, there be more than porn, 'shareable' (pirated...SHHH!!!) media, and product purchasing happening on the interweb, then perhaps you've navigated your way to the likes of Fulford, Kettler, Wilcock, and Drake.

There are, of course, numerous others one could mention, but this is a small dose of writing style mixed with current affairs (some personal, some global, many bizarre) and enough baby pooh to fertilize a community garden.

Jericho Olanmateo

We let him get away with it... for obvious reasons ;)

Let me add a more personal, less fatherly note (no pun, as you will see).

Musical Aspirations

Musically (pun), integrating Maschine into an already disappearing day, day after day, is beginning to pay off, at least conceptually.

It makes sense in my mind, in other words.

For the most part, serendipity and perhaps some intuition has guided me through my blossoming musical interests, particularly in the form of choosing quality tools.

I feel like my intentions for this blog should be composed in some sort of mission statement. Then, if I deviated from those intentions, I would at least have written record of it. Something to rub my nose in.

CAUTION: A suspension of disbelief is highly recommended when reading fringe material.

A little video I put together:

music courtesy of A Perfect Circle

What are they spraying here in Austin? Is it safe for me? Mi Amorita?? My son?! ...oh, and Ember, my puppy??!!

And the chemtrails are only the beginning, not to mention what I've seen. If we take the Khazarian Banking Cabal, Zionist Nazi monsters, malevolent ETs/EDs, a corporate government enslaving the People in a manner that goes undetected, and the Agenda that the whole cancerous, plague-ridden lot of them force upon the planet, it is no small wonder that we are even here at such a pivotal point in Time. The naysayers will fall off at this point. I can't say that I blame them. All in all, I suppose the intent of this blog is to have a personal reference whilst maintaining transparency to those who even care to know. It starts here. Lets see where it ends. - JBiZ!

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