Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Where I Have Come

The purpose of this blog is to formally address my friends, family and readers in regards to where it is I have come as a result of the fascinating 'revelations' I and others have found through YellowRoseforTexas YouTube channel.

I found "The Lie NASA Told: Imminent Demise of the NWO" video back in May of this year and have found the Rabbit Hole to be anything but shallow.  I must admit, I do not fully understand all of the details concerning the 'pour', the 'leap' or the Law of One, but I can say that as a result of finding the information Yellow Rose (Rose) brings to the fold, my ENTIRE perspective has shifted. Tremendously.

At this time, I find it prudent to publicly affirm that since Rose's information is so fantastic, in that it deals with a topic not many are familiar with (Occult/Esoteric), a certain 'leap of faith' is required on my part to embrace what she provides as factual. The subsequent step is assimilating those 'facts' into my existing belief structure.  The entire process can be considered part of my 'awakening.' In fact, I do feel that it may very well be one of the last milestones prior to becoming fully awakened.

An aside to the forthcoming comments regarding where I come to find myself currently:

My spiritual progression could not have been possible these past crucial years without my eternally patient partner.  Jewfo, you've been the only light I've allowed in during this 'dark night of my soul.' We have each other, our home, our children and our Bunny Bear as a testament to the wonders, majesty and the power that is Love.

And where would I be without my family?!? I cannot help but feel that a considerable debt is owed to those brave souls who chose to journey with me as part of my family.  In my fear and confusion, I've managed to kick up an unholy amount of dust in what should be sacred space.  I've defiled relationships in ignorance and must confess, my distance and silence have often been the best gifts I could give them over the last decade or so.  Any attempt to rediscover, rekindle or otherwise mend these relationships usually ends in a belligerent display of anger on my part.  I claim full responsibility for allowing weeds into our garden.

Onward we go:

The 'veil' began to lift for me through my experimentation with psychedelic substances.  Anyone who has experimented with magic mushrooms, LSD or any other hallucinogen can testify to the profoundness of experience during those altered states.  I was no different, however, today the ingesting of a substance has been replaced with the consumption of content and/or information.

It was a gradual progression, but I knew around 27 (I'm now 34) that my physical or bodily patterns needed to change in order for real progress to begin.  Spiritual progress.

I enlisted in Alcoholics Anonymous and got sober for two and half years and met the mother of my children.  A beautiful love story I can assure you, but suffice it to say that my spiritual growth the past five years has often come, unintentionally, at her expense one way or another.  My preference would have been to go it alone, if only to spare her the sadness at times, but I have come to understand that Dani has been THE MOST CRITICAL aspect of my awakening to truth.  Without her, I know I would have been lost to the void.

I left AA for numerous reasons, but mostly because of the resonance factor.  My drinking was an effect or symptom of a greater cause or disease, and it wasn't alcoholism. I am reminded of Neo's encounter with Morpheus where he is shown what the Matrix is.  In my reality, I have come to discover that my spirit had become ill. And nowhere, AA included, was addressing the malady from which I, and dare I say most ALL of us suffer.  The malady is simple.  It is lack of truth, and the brilliance of our spirit is drastically hindered by the lack thereof.

The 'veil' continued to lift through my exposure and involvement with the Zeitgeist Movement.  If you are not familiar, there are three videos on Netflix, a website, and numerous 'chapters' throughout the planet.  To sum this portion up, the films by Peter Joseph were able to disclose certain elements of the truth of our realm (Earth) in an easily digestible format, at least for me.  Others would suggest that the Zeitgeist Movement is nothing more than a cult of conspiracy theorists.  My focus has since moved away from this particular movement for several reasons, but again, the resonance factor was a critical component when deciding to move away from this train of thought.  I still found it lacking a much more explicit detail of why and how 'the powers that be' (PTB) were so overtly and almost vengefully seeking control of everything on our planet, through a network of banking, military, and government factions all utilizing Covet Means as the locomotive force behind their acquisition (rather, usurpation) of all seats of power in every institution, religion, corporation, and government.

I kept searching and along the way came into contact with rumors of Reptilians, Greys, and other negative entities (aliens) who were said to be ruling our planet through various means, not limited to but including advanced technology, a very concise understanding of the Occult and Esoteric, and even possession of human bodies (vehicles), specifically those in seats of power.  The blessing of an open mind allowed me to continue searching for more information along these lines, ultimately leading me to Rose and her YouTube channel.

The account above is a rather brief detail of some of the highlights of my awakening.  Little did I know what lay in store for me as 2013 came to an end and 2014 began.  The next entry will discuss my exposure to Rose's information, the subsequent shift in my consciousness, and a detailed narrative of MY understanding of the information as it resonates within me.


  1. Jordan,
    Again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work compiling roses works. I also feel after finding roses' videos that at last I have found the truth that I have been searching for. Yes the rabbit hole is deep and not many dare to go deep enough as it goes against all that they thought they knew, if they would only open their minds and their hearts, the truth will spring forward. I now understand why the ONE says " he has never seen so few names in the Book of Life". I am sure your efforts will help awaken many more.

    Love to you and look forward to seeing you at the Gathering.

    1. My pleasure, Barry. I feel like this is a part of my assimilation of the information. If others are able to gain insight through my limited understanding and finite perceptions, then fantastic!

      I was doing the work anyway and felt morally bound to share what other information I had found.

      Rose does state that the more recent information is more accurate. We (Rose included) would all be surprised at the extent in which things have transpired.

      Perhaps a little much for all of us to endure the memory of while still presently under the same visible power structure responsible for our demise. That is my take on it at least.

  2. check this out from 19:00 onward. Is this Rose? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0gBoV0ygJc

    Talks about branch of Renegades, the gathering?

  3. above link from anonymous is unavailable...

  4. I found my way to the link from Anonymous - I did find some resonance. The woman is not Rose. The woman from the video mentions Earth as an experiment.

    I know Rose would say that a definite War took place. If you'll recall, One claimed that Alexander had no right to experiment on Mankind.

    Based on this, I reason that Mankind is a specific expression and Humankind is the expression of Reptilian and Mankind DNA. Hu + Mankind = Humankind or the resulting yield of Alexander's experiment, which again, One claimed he had no right to proceed with.

  5. Justin and Jordan:
    Thanks for your research. Have you seen Michael Monk, Facebook, Energy Avatar? He is talking about the seal of One now. .. .no connection to Rose that I know of . . . what do you think? Is it really happening?

  6. Jordan....thank you for sharing your journey with us and providing a format where we can meet and share our thoughts. I have wanted to share with someone, my own experiences, however, there is no one in my circle with which I can share, as they think I have lost my "mind". Perhaps I have....time will tell. I didn't begin the journey of "awareness" until 4 years ago, when somehow, I fell down the rabbit hole. I discovered Jean Haines blog, which I truly respect for her integrity and honesty in presenting her information. I found David Wilcock, Drake, Ben Fulford....as well as many of channeled blogs. I quickly avoided to "love and light" agenda, as well as the promises of all of the good things that will transpire. The closest I have found to Rose's information is Wes Penre, who has written volumes as has made available at his blog site. He seems to have pulled together a good history of the "War of the gods".
    I was shocked to become aware of the alien involvement, the cabal control systems, etc., at a late date in my life. However, before my new awareness and education began, I have always lived my life by the Golden Rule, and have always felt that Love is the over riding ingredient in life here on earth. I experienced cancer 12 years ago, with 2 relapses and remissions. I lost my dear husband suddenly 9 years ago...and left my career 4 years ago with health problems. I have often asked God why I still have to be here....and the only answer that I have ever received is that "I am holding space here as a sort of antenna, and it was very important that I remain here for now." This never made sense to me... I have felt a consistently increasing disconnection from life around me since I retired. I go out seldom, and only have contact with my children and siblings. I don't even feel a connection to my home, which I have always loved. All of my interest has become focused on finding the truth that works for me. I have never felt that I belonged in this body....and now I dearly would love to be finished with the job here, so that I can go home. I know that at first the information was confusing that Rose shared. However, something finally made sense to me with it. I have experienced Christianity...new age spiritualism...buddhism....I have read many philosophies around "religion", however, even reincarnation made no sense to me, as it teaches this is a school from which few of us ever graduate. Endless cycles of life and suffering.....my sense of Creator is that we were not made to suffer. To experience and obtain knowledge, yes...but why would we be created to suffer?! Rose's presentation makes so much more sense to me. I have always said that God would have to somehow make us all equal in our minds so that we were on the same page and could finally communicate in an intelligent way....spirit to spirit....so that we could share our knowledge. There will never be a solution to the world's problems until we are all healed....I have always felt this to be my truth. This truly has become a prison planet....and I await the day when the One takes us all home with an aching in my heart. The lifting of the Veil is the only thing that can heal us...and I envision it happening the way that Rose explains, as it is the only way that it can work.
    I had a dream a couple of years ago....and it was exactly as Rose describes. The skies opened up to the universe around us as it really looks, and as I was drawn outdoors in my dream, my real family landed in my yard and communicated with me. The realization that I had been separated from them for so very long hit me with a grief I have felt only when my husband died. And in my dream I knew that I had been held here against my will. And had a sense of the depth of the lies we had been taught down through the ages. I awoke from this dream crying and with a sense of truth....then two years later I found Rose's video.
    Thank you for allowing me this space to share my experience....

  7. Been thinking alot about Rose saying how our language is so infiltrated and sends out calls,,, curses and spells without our conscious knowing. Words we use/repeat many times a day, such as ... Hello ... H(E,EL(L)O ...Oh, El, Oh E ... even the friendly Howdy ... H(OW(L)DY.
    And when we hurt ourselves ... stub a toe, pinch a finger, we say "OUCH" (OWLch) sometimes very loud, long and with much emotion!
    I've noticed in the comments for Rose's videos, it could be confusing for newcomers ... to see the Hugs (Hugga) and Sis (I-Sis) "regards" being sent by the "Sis-ta" friends to each other. (maybe better saved for the chat room!)
    And, how "bout ... PEACE, Brother ... P(EA)CE ... "Eat scabs, Bro" ... Yikes! or is that Y-ICK-S?!? Cancel, cancel ... I choose ONE, who is god, father of the family of Man, again and oops, again ...
    Also, PLEASE PL(EA)SE (insisting our children are polite) and THANK You ... T(o)(ANKH) You, for someone doing us a kind favor!
    No offense to anyone intended ... just an observation. :)

  8. Hi Jordan it's now August and so long time no hear. You work is inspiring as are replies from people like Kathy. Please let us know your status
