This is a continuation of the previous post, "Where I Have Come."
Most recently, I have discovered at least two requirements for awakening to truth. Firstly, concerning truth, there is no such thing as multiple truths. There can only be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but truth. Knowing what truth is requires at least the following two understandings:
- We are 'spirits' incarnate
- We have been lied to about everything
If the former is not understand, the latter is exponentially more difficult to conceive. I liken it to this:
Those practicing behaviors tend to see those behaviors in others. At times, to a fault. For instance, the accuser of infidelity is often the one guilty of the act. By this reasoning, those who tell and seek truth are often unable to fathom one who would lie, thus, aligning with institutions, be they governments, religions, philosophies... none of which, by the way, every really focus on understanding the very real truth of who we are. Spirits incarnate.
In place of truth, we are fed any number of a multiple of truths, which in essence, must all be lies. The very existence of truth does not require one's belief in it. On the contrary, every single institution requires our collective belief in those said structures in order for them to continue to exist. The lies must be believed in order to exist. The truth stands apart from the lies, and regardless of where one's beliefs reside, the truth is found within us all as well. For within this body, this vehicle, is housed a spirit. This spirit is true life, as I've come to understand it, and knows the truth of which I speak.
We are spirits incarnate. We are drivers of the vehicle (body/mirror). The vehicle can be driven by others, if allowed. Allowance can be granted through ignorance or through knowing consent. Digestible enough, right?
I realize that by approaching the truth, one must suspend disbelief in the truth, and belief in the multitude of truths. Truth is singular. Where multiple truths exist, all must be considered lies.
So what is the Truth? In truth, we are spirits. In truth, it is our sole/soul purpose to allow the creator to know itself through our collective, but individual and subjective experiences. This is the only truth. We are spirit (life) whose sole/soul purpose is to allow the Creator to know itself as One Self through our individual and subjective experiences as they manifest in an undivided and unified expression, also known as Reality.
I have come to believe that this particular reality has been altered. And this is where Rose's information comes into the picture. Elsewhere on this blog, I've posted some interesting comments from Rose and links to her videos. It is my objective to continue to present new information as it surfaces, however, this series of posts will not go into great detail on that.
My intent is to continue to provide my understanding of Truth as a means to awaken others to what I have come to know as the Truth and, subsequently, our sole/soul purpose, which is to continue to collectively manifest expressions so that the Creator can further know itself as One Self.
God, Knowledge, and pursuits of Truth. Join me in the ever shifting sands and ever changing tides of Internet information.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Where I Have Come
The purpose of this blog is to formally address my friends, family and readers in regards to where it is I have come as a result of the fascinating 'revelations' I and others have found through YellowRoseforTexas YouTube channel.
I found "The Lie NASA Told: Imminent Demise of the NWO" video back in May of this year and have found the Rabbit Hole to be anything but shallow. I must admit, I do not fully understand all of the details concerning the 'pour', the 'leap' or the Law of One, but I can say that as a result of finding the information Yellow Rose (Rose) brings to the fold, my ENTIRE perspective has shifted. Tremendously.
At this time, I find it prudent to publicly affirm that since Rose's information is so fantastic, in that it deals with a topic not many are familiar with (Occult/Esoteric), a certain 'leap of faith' is required on my part to embrace what she provides as factual. The subsequent step is assimilating those 'facts' into my existing belief structure. The entire process can be considered part of my 'awakening.' In fact, I do feel that it may very well be one of the last milestones prior to becoming fully awakened.
An aside to the forthcoming comments regarding where I come to find myself currently:
My spiritual progression could not have been possible these past crucial years without my eternally patient partner. Jewfo, you've been the only light I've allowed in during this 'dark night of my soul.' We have each other, our home, our children and our Bunny Bear as a testament to the wonders, majesty and the power that is Love.
And where would I be without my family?!? I cannot help but feel that a considerable debt is owed to those brave souls who chose to journey with me as part of my family. In my fear and confusion, I've managed to kick up an unholy amount of dust in what should be sacred space. I've defiled relationships in ignorance and must confess, my distance and silence have often been the best gifts I could give them over the last decade or so. Any attempt to rediscover, rekindle or otherwise mend these relationships usually ends in a belligerent display of anger on my part. I claim full responsibility for allowing weeds into our garden.
Onward we go:
The 'veil' began to lift for me through my experimentation with psychedelic substances. Anyone who has experimented with magic mushrooms, LSD or any other hallucinogen can testify to the profoundness of experience during those altered states. I was no different, however, today the ingesting of a substance has been replaced with the consumption of content and/or information.
It was a gradual progression, but I knew around 27 (I'm now 34) that my physical or bodily patterns needed to change in order for real progress to begin. Spiritual progress.
I enlisted in Alcoholics Anonymous and got sober for two and half years and met the mother of my children. A beautiful love story I can assure you, but suffice it to say that my spiritual growth the past five years has often come, unintentionally, at her expense one way or another. My preference would have been to go it alone, if only to spare her the sadness at times, but I have come to understand that Dani has been THE MOST CRITICAL aspect of my awakening to truth. Without her, I know I would have been lost to the void.
I left AA for numerous reasons, but mostly because of the resonance factor. My drinking was an effect or symptom of a greater cause or disease, and it wasn't alcoholism. I am reminded of Neo's encounter with Morpheus where he is shown what the Matrix is. In my reality, I have come to discover that my spirit had become ill. And nowhere, AA included, was addressing the malady from which I, and dare I say most ALL of us suffer. The malady is simple. It is lack of truth, and the brilliance of our spirit is drastically hindered by the lack thereof.
The 'veil' continued to lift through my exposure and involvement with the Zeitgeist Movement. If you are not familiar, there are three videos on Netflix, a website, and numerous 'chapters' throughout the planet. To sum this portion up, the films by Peter Joseph were able to disclose certain elements of the truth of our realm (Earth) in an easily digestible format, at least for me. Others would suggest that the Zeitgeist Movement is nothing more than a cult of conspiracy theorists. My focus has since moved away from this particular movement for several reasons, but again, the resonance factor was a critical component when deciding to move away from this train of thought. I still found it lacking a much more explicit detail of why and how 'the powers that be' (PTB) were so overtly and almost vengefully seeking control of everything on our planet, through a network of banking, military, and government factions all utilizing Covet Means as the locomotive force behind their acquisition (rather, usurpation) of all seats of power in every institution, religion, corporation, and government.
I kept searching and along the way came into contact with rumors of Reptilians, Greys, and other negative entities (aliens) who were said to be ruling our planet through various means, not limited to but including advanced technology, a very concise understanding of the Occult and Esoteric, and even possession of human bodies (vehicles), specifically those in seats of power. The blessing of an open mind allowed me to continue searching for more information along these lines, ultimately leading me to Rose and her YouTube channel.
The account above is a rather brief detail of some of the highlights of my awakening. Little did I know what lay in store for me as 2013 came to an end and 2014 began. The next entry will discuss my exposure to Rose's information, the subsequent shift in my consciousness, and a detailed narrative of MY understanding of the information as it resonates within me.
I found "The Lie NASA Told: Imminent Demise of the NWO" video back in May of this year and have found the Rabbit Hole to be anything but shallow. I must admit, I do not fully understand all of the details concerning the 'pour', the 'leap' or the Law of One, but I can say that as a result of finding the information Yellow Rose (Rose) brings to the fold, my ENTIRE perspective has shifted. Tremendously.
At this time, I find it prudent to publicly affirm that since Rose's information is so fantastic, in that it deals with a topic not many are familiar with (Occult/Esoteric), a certain 'leap of faith' is required on my part to embrace what she provides as factual. The subsequent step is assimilating those 'facts' into my existing belief structure. The entire process can be considered part of my 'awakening.' In fact, I do feel that it may very well be one of the last milestones prior to becoming fully awakened.
An aside to the forthcoming comments regarding where I come to find myself currently:
My spiritual progression could not have been possible these past crucial years without my eternally patient partner. Jewfo, you've been the only light I've allowed in during this 'dark night of my soul.' We have each other, our home, our children and our Bunny Bear as a testament to the wonders, majesty and the power that is Love.
And where would I be without my family?!? I cannot help but feel that a considerable debt is owed to those brave souls who chose to journey with me as part of my family. In my fear and confusion, I've managed to kick up an unholy amount of dust in what should be sacred space. I've defiled relationships in ignorance and must confess, my distance and silence have often been the best gifts I could give them over the last decade or so. Any attempt to rediscover, rekindle or otherwise mend these relationships usually ends in a belligerent display of anger on my part. I claim full responsibility for allowing weeds into our garden.
Onward we go:
The 'veil' began to lift for me through my experimentation with psychedelic substances. Anyone who has experimented with magic mushrooms, LSD or any other hallucinogen can testify to the profoundness of experience during those altered states. I was no different, however, today the ingesting of a substance has been replaced with the consumption of content and/or information.
It was a gradual progression, but I knew around 27 (I'm now 34) that my physical or bodily patterns needed to change in order for real progress to begin. Spiritual progress.
I enlisted in Alcoholics Anonymous and got sober for two and half years and met the mother of my children. A beautiful love story I can assure you, but suffice it to say that my spiritual growth the past five years has often come, unintentionally, at her expense one way or another. My preference would have been to go it alone, if only to spare her the sadness at times, but I have come to understand that Dani has been THE MOST CRITICAL aspect of my awakening to truth. Without her, I know I would have been lost to the void.
I left AA for numerous reasons, but mostly because of the resonance factor. My drinking was an effect or symptom of a greater cause or disease, and it wasn't alcoholism. I am reminded of Neo's encounter with Morpheus where he is shown what the Matrix is. In my reality, I have come to discover that my spirit had become ill. And nowhere, AA included, was addressing the malady from which I, and dare I say most ALL of us suffer. The malady is simple. It is lack of truth, and the brilliance of our spirit is drastically hindered by the lack thereof.
The 'veil' continued to lift through my exposure and involvement with the Zeitgeist Movement. If you are not familiar, there are three videos on Netflix, a website, and numerous 'chapters' throughout the planet. To sum this portion up, the films by Peter Joseph were able to disclose certain elements of the truth of our realm (Earth) in an easily digestible format, at least for me. Others would suggest that the Zeitgeist Movement is nothing more than a cult of conspiracy theorists. My focus has since moved away from this particular movement for several reasons, but again, the resonance factor was a critical component when deciding to move away from this train of thought. I still found it lacking a much more explicit detail of why and how 'the powers that be' (PTB) were so overtly and almost vengefully seeking control of everything on our planet, through a network of banking, military, and government factions all utilizing Covet Means as the locomotive force behind their acquisition (rather, usurpation) of all seats of power in every institution, religion, corporation, and government.
I kept searching and along the way came into contact with rumors of Reptilians, Greys, and other negative entities (aliens) who were said to be ruling our planet through various means, not limited to but including advanced technology, a very concise understanding of the Occult and Esoteric, and even possession of human bodies (vehicles), specifically those in seats of power. The blessing of an open mind allowed me to continue searching for more information along these lines, ultimately leading me to Rose and her YouTube channel.
The account above is a rather brief detail of some of the highlights of my awakening. Little did I know what lay in store for me as 2013 came to an end and 2014 began. The next entry will discuss my exposure to Rose's information, the subsequent shift in my consciousness, and a detailed narrative of MY understanding of the information as it resonates within me.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
The Chronicles of Rose: Part Seven
Hello again all! Sorry for the hiatus. My focus has been elsewhere. Mostly with family. But I'm back with another piece from Rose. I know I keep putting of the Father of the Branch of Mankind, but I truly do not have enough information for a substantial post just yet. Hopefully soon...
Let us get right to it.
For those that may have missed it, Rose had posted a series of Tweets back in February of 2014. I've compiled them all for your consumption.
Yellow Rose for Texas series of Tweets to the Pope, David Cameron, and Benjamin Netanyahu [chronologically sequenced, all made on February 15th, 2014]:
"With permission I pass you this message from “The ONE”. You could have told the world the truth about the Company Store System you set up. But you did not. You could have told the truth about SET “An” whom you worship. But you did not. You could have told the people they have been locked in a Construct, and Elizabeth “Lilith” daughter of SET, stole the Ankh system key. You could have told them you lied about “Jesus” and that this was the Coven name of Charles. You could have told them his other coven names by promotion were “Horus” and then “Lucifer”. You could have told them about the EL greys who are SET’s, but you did not. You could have told them that Elizabeth “Lilith” is over the Coven Freemason, as the PAPAL is over the Illuminati Coven; and that ISRAEL was under that coven. You could have told them that the coven owns the DoD, which owns all the space agencies. You could have told them that the Vector Sigil was the symbol of the Sith. And you could have told them it is Lilith Elizabeth, queen of the Moloch, who is in exile. That you have aided to slaughter our world with her corporation U.N., because you have lied about Jesus and allowed the other branches to Seal by fraud the Children of Man, and because you helped slaughter our world by use of Covet Means. The EL and SET (An) now owe The ONE, God, and Father of the Branch of Mankind an Esoteric Debt he can never repay. The ONE says, take a close look at your NASA owned Telescopes, at the Sun. You have failed to reign in your dogs of War, Rothschild, Elizabeth, and the Gad/Sachs. You continue to allow the new Pharaoh Li who is possessed by RA, to play this skit. You have failed to stop Magog Bush, who is yours as well. Look at the Sith, as they panic at the Sun. The Father of Mankind has returned, and he brings the Forces of Man, and more…Many of the candlesticks have been knocked down, but your fate is more severe, for you LIED about Jesus and the god you serve, which is SET An. Look at the Stereo soho images of the 11th [February] and understand. You either stand up and tell these people the truth, or reep your fate. You have but a matter of Days Left. All good on Earth will make the Leap forward. And you, who are the murderous pedophile Covens of Azazel, will get the Pit…Look at your Vatican Telescopes. Watch them panic in vain. That is your fate. For lying and removing the name of God, the All Father, and putting the names of SET in your “bible”, “torah” and “Koran”. That is your fate, for not telling humanity that “the ONE” is a real and LIVING PERSON THEY WILL MEET. That is your fate, for stealing the children of Man. You will not continue, as Lilith planned. The debt you now owe is too great. There will be no ‘future’ for any of the CA. An’s debt is so great, that Amnesty is being granted for some, and if you two who are not the priesthood disbelieve [in reference to Netanyahu and Cameron], I suggest you ask the priesthoods and Lilith Elizabeth. Chief Rabbinate of Israel knows the truth, so does the Pontiff."
As you can see, ONE is mentioned here again. A little over a month later, Rose began posting her videos. And if I'm not mistaken, isn't the Pope and Netanyahu scheduled for a meet tomorrow?
I have found several of Rose's posts around the internet by doing a search for YellowRoseTX51
Perhaps more will discover what I have discovered, but for those with little time for searches and who appreciate me doing the digging, I'll have fresh content available within a few days.
Let us get right to it.
For those that may have missed it, Rose had posted a series of Tweets back in February of 2014. I've compiled them all for your consumption.
Yellow Rose for Texas series of Tweets to the Pope, David Cameron, and Benjamin Netanyahu [chronologically sequenced, all made on February 15th, 2014]:
"With permission I pass you this message from “The ONE”. You could have told the world the truth about the Company Store System you set up. But you did not. You could have told the truth about SET “An” whom you worship. But you did not. You could have told the people they have been locked in a Construct, and Elizabeth “Lilith” daughter of SET, stole the Ankh system key. You could have told them you lied about “Jesus” and that this was the Coven name of Charles. You could have told them his other coven names by promotion were “Horus” and then “Lucifer”. You could have told them about the EL greys who are SET’s, but you did not. You could have told them that Elizabeth “Lilith” is over the Coven Freemason, as the PAPAL is over the Illuminati Coven; and that ISRAEL was under that coven. You could have told them that the coven owns the DoD, which owns all the space agencies. You could have told them that the Vector Sigil was the symbol of the Sith. And you could have told them it is Lilith Elizabeth, queen of the Moloch, who is in exile. That you have aided to slaughter our world with her corporation U.N., because you have lied about Jesus and allowed the other branches to Seal by fraud the Children of Man, and because you helped slaughter our world by use of Covet Means. The EL and SET (An) now owe The ONE, God, and Father of the Branch of Mankind an Esoteric Debt he can never repay. The ONE says, take a close look at your NASA owned Telescopes, at the Sun. You have failed to reign in your dogs of War, Rothschild, Elizabeth, and the Gad/Sachs. You continue to allow the new Pharaoh Li who is possessed by RA, to play this skit. You have failed to stop Magog Bush, who is yours as well. Look at the Sith, as they panic at the Sun. The Father of Mankind has returned, and he brings the Forces of Man, and more…Many of the candlesticks have been knocked down, but your fate is more severe, for you LIED about Jesus and the god you serve, which is SET An. Look at the Stereo soho images of the 11th [February] and understand. You either stand up and tell these people the truth, or reep your fate. You have but a matter of Days Left. All good on Earth will make the Leap forward. And you, who are the murderous pedophile Covens of Azazel, will get the Pit…Look at your Vatican Telescopes. Watch them panic in vain. That is your fate. For lying and removing the name of God, the All Father, and putting the names of SET in your “bible”, “torah” and “Koran”. That is your fate, for not telling humanity that “the ONE” is a real and LIVING PERSON THEY WILL MEET. That is your fate, for stealing the children of Man. You will not continue, as Lilith planned. The debt you now owe is too great. There will be no ‘future’ for any of the CA. An’s debt is so great, that Amnesty is being granted for some, and if you two who are not the priesthood disbelieve [in reference to Netanyahu and Cameron], I suggest you ask the priesthoods and Lilith Elizabeth. Chief Rabbinate of Israel knows the truth, so does the Pontiff."
As you can see, ONE is mentioned here again. A little over a month later, Rose began posting her videos. And if I'm not mistaken, isn't the Pope and Netanyahu scheduled for a meet tomorrow?
I have found several of Rose's posts around the internet by doing a search for YellowRoseTX51
Perhaps more will discover what I have discovered, but for those with little time for searches and who appreciate me doing the digging, I'll have fresh content available within a few days.
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