Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rogue Government Weather Manipulation Hopes to Upset Paul Supporters at RNC

As the Republican National Convention (RNC) approaches, so too does Tropical Storm Isaac (who names these things anyway?).

It is said to reach hurricane class by Monday. Sounds to me like covert, Black Ops weather manipulation has been perfected. And away we go!

This claim may come as brazen and bold to some, but the hope is that most of us are awakened to the point now where open minds do not escape us. Open the mind and the heart shall soon follow.

From what I can gather through the limited, albeit, extensive and exhaustive Internet searches I conduct, Ron Paul is supposedly set to have over 100,000 supporters at the RNC. His supporters come in various shades, the most disconcerting to the incumbent and GOP hopeful, Romney, being ex military, military veterans, militia types, freedom lovers, liberty supporters, gun owners, and upholders of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Truth, Justice, Sovereignty,  ad infinitum.

I, myself, am a de facto Paul supporter, but my overall opinion of politics leaves me somewhere between a shaman and a technocrat. That is to say, I care not about the world of politics, inasmuch as it cares not about me. I'm beginning to see that, regardless of how I feel about politics, I may not be able to ignore the subject entirely for much longer.

Back to the hypothesis. Numerous volumes of research can be found concerning Obama's CIA connections, covert Military weather manipulation, and Ron Paul supporter demographics. I'm not certain if these 100,000 supporters have anything planned for the RNC, but my guess is yes, they do indeed.

Is it a military coup d'etat that has been uttered and postulated on numerous underground militia sites? I wish I could say. Having no 'Insider' connections, I stay at a loss for truth in this arena.

I am not attempting to paint anyone here as the Disney Villain for a multitude of reasons. One, since there is no way for me to know the intricate world of global politics and military maneuvers, I am only attempting to make sense of the information that I choose to filter. Two, I am no longer seeking to polarize, which only assists in further dividing ourselves from each other. As duality fades away in the coming paradigm, Good and Evil are replaced with Divine Righteousness, not to be confused with self righteousness.

Trains of thought of this nature are often met with vehement disapproval by those who can only see the illusion, the veil, the matrix. To penetrate the synthetic construct which has be erected around our physical senses, one must shut out the 'noise' associated with the senses. This truth has been eluded in numerous volumes of antiquity. The 'holy' books of Earth are full of paraboles and cryptic references to our third eye (pineal gland).

I digress...

The RNC is set for tomorrow and as I was Google Earthing yesterday, Mister Isaac appears to have been waning, NOT waxing. I could be wrong. I'll check again today.

If I'm right though, then there would appear to be something to say about the use of technology sans Spirit. No matter how many physical instruments the control faction of Earth has access to and is currently utilizing, the outcomes of using said instruments without the application of Divine Righteous Intent, or worse, with the use of malicious and malevolent intent, are subject to the Collective Will. As the Collective Will awakens to its integrity, the individual wills of our collective can focus intent on any number of potentials, influencing the outcomes of our shared experience. An example of this would be, if all of Humanity focused on developing benevolent technology with the Divine Righteous Intent to feed our whole population freely, sustainably, and perpetually, we could.

In the end, it does not matter if weather manipulating technology exists. If it is used in concert with Divine Righteous Intent, the outcome, bolstered by the Collective Will, stands more of a chance of succeeding. On the other hand, until control of these machines (technology) passes into the hands of more benevolent controllers, we (Humanity) are not without a defense. We have our Collective Will that can be activated by our combined focus on a potential outcome in the face of whatever experience we share.

Whether you believe or not, if you are a Ron Paul supporter, you may wanna focus on Isaac dissipating instead of believing it is going to cause mayhem for the RNC, especially if there really are going to be 100,000 strong in support of political change, world peace, and transparent government.

Just a thought.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Memory of Birth?

It couldn't have been a dream, as I do not recall awakening from the experience I am about to describe.

The Setting

Only recently have I come to know how to appropriately describe the scene I found myself in. Through the Thrive movie and subsequent movement, Marko Rodin and his team's discoveries in vortex based mathematics, and a litany of other artistic renderings and sources, I am able to convey an exact visual of the place in which memory began.

I inhabited a torus similar to the image below.

There were slight differences. I was aware of no color, mostly shades of gray. The floating area in the center of the picture above resembled a castle, rock or crystalline perhaps, much like this:

If you can image the bottom portion being mirrored, inverted, and placed where the buildings are, you would have the exact layout of this realm. Further imagine a toroidal funnel extending above and below  that terminate into black holes at both ends (literally, but without any massive gravitational force attributes).

I was navigating that funnel, at least, the rim of it, seeking a bridge or a way to cross to the rock (crystal?) palace.

I had an awareness of only my hands and feet, my feet seeking purchase with each step as my hands floundered in darkness.

I was not aware of any particular emotion. A pervasive sense of calm closed around me and settled within. 

I could not see any sign of a way across. How desperately I wanted to be there on that floating palace. The funnel below beckoned.

At the end of this memory, courage rose within, the first sign of emotion thus far. I understood that I must endure the darkness in order to reach my destination. How I long to be there, wherever there is.

Here, I Am.

Was it my birth that I recall?  Have I some knowledge of the place before here? All I know is that I chose to dive headfirst into the black void and my next memory was a car dealership and a cowboy. My mother informs me that it was a Subaru dealership, she was holding me, my family was buying a car from a dealership in Texas, thus the cowboy and accompanying hat (which is all I really recall of that, my second memory).

There were one or two episodes of lucid moments of hovering above my bed as a child. I was paralyzed otherwise, but there was a definite sensation of me being inches from the ceiling. Could I have been abducted?

Does This Resonate?

In light of the current times and with the Internet abuzz with astounding information, I've decided to post this blog in hopes of discovering if others are familiar with the place I speak of, either through personal experience, mystery teachings, channelled info, or otherwise.

I am leaving my mind open to any and all suggestions. Whatever resonates, well...

Other Memories (Dreams?)

Another childhood feature was an 'imaginary friend' named Jimmy. Did I see dead people, or perhaps other dimensional beings as a child? I have no first hand memory of any of the experiences that my mother assures me occurred. I have an out of body type memory of the last time I was with Jimmy. It is rather weird to describe. I'll admit, it is a little Twilight Zone-y.

There were at least two iterations of me. One in the seat in the car I was getting into already, looking at another me getting into the car who was looking back for Jimmy, or maybe another iteration of me. I was aware of the me perspective of the seated version of myself with a memory of looking back for Jimmy (myself?) and not seeing him (me?) anymore.

Perhaps at that moment my contact with Source was veiled.

Enough of My Babble

At any rate, I do have the aforementioned memories and feel that if I were to somehow understand these and others, I may be  equipped to serve Humanity in the capacity I feel I may be capable of.

I realize a suspension of disbelief is needed when evoking an open mind. I am uncertain of what I may conjure in this, my pursuit of Truth and Knowledge. I welcome any explanations that arrive. Resonance will guide me to Truth. Of that, I Am certain.

- JBiZ!